Chadis Crafts's Fun Pages
Eyelash, Boa, Ladder, Ribbon, Fun Fur and Other
Speciality Yarns.
SCARVESGreat, Quick Projects Beginner/Intermediate Level
"Fun Fur" or Eyelash threads
are mostly nylon or polyster threads made to look like fur. Some people say
they look like the old boa/feather look rather than fur looking. I can't have a page of
make a page on needlework these days with out having some information of the
crazy crossing
the country on Fun Scrafs/Boas etc. I am including some links as I find them
to free patterns and yarn sources. I traveled during one winter break,
Virginia to N.J. to Boston to Cleveland. Yes by car! My patient husband drove
99% of the way. Everyone seemed to be knitting fun scrafs or looking for
information on them. Since I crochet for a living everyone asked me about
It was a challenge to find the knitting needles. Now I just go online to as they carry all sizes. I
did find some great bamboo ones and beautiful rose wood crochet hooks in sizes
I did not know existed. I am so use to working with minute metal hooks
that working with wooden size N and P plus plastic Q seemed even more fun
to me. I am
posting my own directions but I am also listing links below to more professional ones.
I have used rosewood crochet hooks in size N and P (bought at an AC Moore
Store) and Bamboo Knitting
Needles in size 13. I have been told many people use plastic size 17 and
19. There are the
great scarves that some say take only 2 hours. Mine take many extra hours
but I love it! I use two or more different
yarns from different companies. Some look like fur but are called eyelash yarn,
boa etc.
Many companies make them. Lion Brand, Bernat, Straw etc. Some made in Turkey,
Taiwan and Italy. Some
look like eyelash, others like ribbon, chenille etc. Real fun and easy. I found
that some yarns stick together more when crocheted. I usually prefer to crochet
but did enjoy this simple project in knitting. If you know single crochet and
simple knit stitch you can make one. I really enjoyed twisting two or more yarns
together. Stores that carry this yarn are growing some are: Jo-ann Crafts, Ben
Franklin, Michaels, A.C. Moore, Walmart and more! Some local yarn stores may
even carry a few of the more expensive and more unusual yarns to mix in so check
out your local stores too. Online stores for yarns too are carrying these yarns.
Hints:It is fun to mix yarns
working with two different textures of yarns often make a project more
interesting so experiement!If the yarns are sticking together, try a larger hook or
needle.If your edges at the beginning and the end are not perfect when
you knit, use
a smaller crochet hook and crochet a few rows using only the fur like yarn or
all of the yarns in your pattern.Can't crochet and your ends look
rough? Tie ends into a loop to form a ball.Experiment with different
sizes of needles or hooks. Some combination of yarns look better with larger
needles or hooks and work faster.I found when crocheting the yarns
often stick together more, use large hooks. The plastic Q is great.
If you can
use smaller, try the rosewood N & P work great too. But be cautious when trying to
pull apart for restarting. It is often hard to pull apart the doubled yarns if you
crocheted using eyelash yarn.Experiment with mixing two or three different texture
yarns. I loved the ones that used nubby yarns like Aunt Lydias Denim and
metallic threads with the fur and eyelash yarns. Check what you
already have in the house for yarn and double them into the new
yarnsBamboo knitting needles seem to work the best for me when knitting
with eyelash yarn/fur.
Fun Fur Trims
My friends are starting to worry about my
sanity! I have the urge to trim too many things with fun fur! Things I
have trimmed or covered with fun fur (Link is to pictures on my other
Knit glovesFlip
Willow reed wreaths including Chanukah ones!Slipper socks
bagsStraw baskets/easter baskets Tricky and hard to get through
the lined straw basket with out breaking the rim Used two yarns Thick
green tweed fur and moda dea yarn with multicolor puffs. Straw hats Crocheted using
pink fancy fur by Lion brand on edge. Crocheting a single crochet through the holes in the
straw. Then crocheted a chain to place on top of the ribbon on the middle of
the hat.Hints:
Crochet from the inside out on gloves etc. The
fur then will be fuller on the outside of the item.When trimming fabric or straw, use a metal crochet
hook. Use the smallest hook you can.
This allows you to make a smaller hole in the fabric
while still be able to pull the thick fur through.You have to use some
strength to poke through a bag or basket that is lined with material but watch
out you don't crack the straw!If the straw breaks at the edge, poke
lower in the object, the fur usually will cover your mistakes.Watch for
interesting items like Dollar Tree Stores and Target, both have great stuff if
you have immagination. (Watch for Target clearance items and dollar quickly
changing dollar section.)As with scarves, use multiple yarns. Or mix
yarns with cotton, nylon or other crochet thread.
Pictures of different yarns.
 Eyelash yarn can be many types of yarns. Top
Lion's Fun Fur bottom Single Eyelash. ( I think Dazzle company- lost the
 Lion Yarn's - "Fun Fur"
 Straw Yarn Company
 "Dazzle" -Ladder Yarn - Ribbon like yarn Really interesting when
mixed with an eyelash/fur yarn. Make sure colors are different for this yarn to
really show up.
Ladder yarns as pictured above are made by many companies with more
showing up at stores every Sensations - Willow = Ribbon
with extra lumps of soft yarn scattered on the ribbon. Lion Brand - Trellis= Ladder Yarn,
Incredible= Wide ribbon yarn.Coats and Clark - Tikki = Ribbon squares on a
single thread. Can work up fuzzy if crocheted with a small metal needle.
Bernat - Matrix= Ladder yarn.Plymouth yarns = has Eros and other ribbon
and ladder yarns.Trendsetter Yarns = have many different eyelash and
ladder yarn.Dazzle - ladder yarn. (Don't know if Dazzle is the style
or company)Berroco - Lazer FX and Mirror FX = Have a single strand thread yarn with square or round
mirror-like jewels. GeM = Space dyed ribbon, Zodiac= ribbon, Mosaic FX = Ladder,
Suede = Suede like ribbon. Also check out Zen and Zodiac. - Sensation yarn's Catalina Is a ribbon yarn.
Eileen's patterns:As usual with most of my crocheted
work and now knitting, I don't stick to a pattern. Actually with these scarves, I
do like about a 3" to 4" wide scarf. I usually work the yarn until near the end
of the ball, leaving yarn for an occasional crocheted edge. But that is not
necessary. I use size 13, 15 and 17 needles depending on the thickness of the
yarns I am using. For most of my scarves, I knitted them in a
(spelling?) stitch as
I liked the ribs to show in the fur. This is done by using the knit stitch
(no purls) through out the scarf. For most scarves, this means only between 10 and
13 stitches wide. I have had a friend and some of companies suggest casting
on to a circular pair of needles the length you want to avoid all of the
turning. But as I do like the ridges, I will stick to regular needles. Most
skeins of fun fur will work up to a 48" scarf. Variegated furs
are usually less per ball and end up around 42" in length. To see
pictures of my finished projects see Chadis Crafts' Scarves
page. I
decided to offer some for sale for those with no time to learn to knit or to
busy to. I found these books by Kathleen Greco inspiring. The books use eyelash yarn and other speciality yarns. They
have great descriptions of the different kinds of speciality yarns including the
new jelly yarns.
I used them to get an idea
for making a scarf using scraps of eyelash yarn left over from other projects.
We all have yarn that is too short to even trim a glove. Well she
suggests you take them and tie them together leaving a tail of 2 or 3". You
make a ball and then knit together with another full ball of yarn. I made a
ball the size of a very large grapefruit. I left 5' to 6" tails! The scarf
is great. Picture coming!
Now you can buy books from and support these
free craft pages. Crocheting Hawaiian Leis Using Eyelash Yarn.
See My Needlecrafts
Book list and supply source for
information about books about making feather & ribbon leis. Plus books on how to
crochet leis using regular yarn.
Links To Yarn Companies That
Have Free Patterns:Hint: Check
inside the wrappers to the yarn there are often free patterns there too.
See my Jewish Resources Page and my Needlecrafts Pages for links to online yarn sources
and other free knitting and crocheting patterns.

Check out
these special codes just for Chadis Craft's Visitors:
Check out Moda Dea Yarns and Joann's own Sensation Yarns!
They also have free lessons. They have yarn
too! YARN SALE GOING ON NOW They carry
many brands of fun fur/eyelash yarn as well as great ribbon and ladder yarns. They have their own brand, lion brand,
bernat, Coats and Clark, Patton and more! I bought a few orders from
that I now have the free shipping club offer can still use discount codes! I
am having fun with the Joann exclusive yarn! I bought Sprinkles and
Willow yarn. One is a combination of a ribbon yarn with fuzzy lumps. The other
is a yarn to mix with others that looks like the fuzzy balls that are added to
the Lion Brand Fancy Fur. This way I can mix other plain furs into fancy furs
of my own! I did not see these at my local Joann stores at all. They also have free patterns for crocheting fun fur
flip-flops. Lion Brand Pattern
 Can't crochet? Eileen will crochet one for you. See
and's Free Lessons For many yarn projects. They now sell eyelash
yarn under their own name and a new name. Moda-Dea. Foxy is one of Coats and
Clark's eyelash yarn. Moda-Dea yarns has free patterns, just click on the picture
on the page I have linked to for a
printable sheet like you see in the stores. Lion Brand YarnSince
1878.This is one of the companies selling the "fun fur"/eye lash thread for
the scarves that
everyone seems to be crazy about. Including me! I have crocheted a few and now
knitting one. I have found this yarn in many
stores. A few of the "Fun Fur" Projects: Available for knitting or
crocheting bags, coats, scarfts and more. Crocheted
"Fun Fur" Head Band
Faux-Zebra JacketFree Knitted Chemo Cap
Pattern for Fun Fur. Of course it can be used for anyone wanting a fur hat.
But for those of us that have had friend's who needed Chemo Caps this is
adorable. This comes with two patterns for straight needles or double pointed
needles. A crocheted chemo cap pattern is also available. They have some fun new things to use eyelash yarn. The flip
flops (see above) and some cute pocket pets meant to help teach children to knit
and crochet. Knit
or crochet Duckling.
 Pet Bunny
 Pet Mice
 They also have a
newsletter for kids crafts and needlecrafts.
Brand yarn's free pattern for William the Hedgehog.

their heart shape pillows made of fun fur too. Yarn company that sells Crystal
Yarns. Eye lash yarns and more! They have really great pictures of their yarn. See:
online sample cards of
there yarns
Great yarns for making
Fuzzy Galore's
Scarf plus other free
patterns. Bernat yarn
also has many different kinds of yarn including eyelash yarn called Boa and Eye Lash. They have free patterns for
scarves and other things for crocheting and knitting but you have to sign in as
a member to get the full directions. You do have to give personal information
to do this.'s ( yarn company) free pattern library. Great
patterns plus great yarn. Free patterns for Crocheted
Easter chicks and felted basket!