#1J to #9J
#1J Pewter Torah,#2J - #9J Gold
Plated Charms
#10J to 15J Gold Plated
#16J to #17J Pewter and Golden Pewter Star
#18J to # 19J Golden Pewter and Pewter
Chi/Tree of Life Charm
#20J to #25J Pewter and Golden Pewter Charms
#26J to #30J Golden Pewter and Gold Plated
#31J to #36J Pewter Charms
#37J to #42J Golden Pewter
CharmsAll 4" styles are $10.00 each plus shipping.
Noah's Ark and Peace Dove
Reversable Shalom in English and Hebrew
Both charms available in pewter and golden
pewter. 4" style $10.00 each plus shipping.
Mother's/Anniversary Pins
Jewish Wedding/Chupah Charm in your choice of Golden Pewter or
You tell me which months of the birth of your children,
you and your spouse.
Square Glass Beads for birthstones and clear round bead
between them.
We will design a pin together.
The one pictured had 6 square
Remember if more than that less of the stick pin will show.
$12.00 plus shipping for
a 4" (up to 10 square beads.)
6" Size
One charm of your choice plus many more beads.
Special $15.00 each plus shipping.© Chadis Crafts Exclusive.
Long Pins (I forgot to measure them.. But Long with Hook on
Your choice of one charm and beads.
© Chadis
Crafts Exclusive.
Special $15.00 each plus
#1 Shalom Dove Hook Stick
Golden Pewter Reversible
Shalom in Engish and Hebrew
Golden Glass Drop Beads.
#1 Shabbat
Hook Stick
Pewter Challah
Clear Irridescent Glass Drop Beads
Gray Round Glass Beads
4" Stick Pins
and Golden Pewter Charms.
#9 - #16
Other styles and colors available.Email me to design one together!
People tell me they would also use it as a cocktail/olive
Introductory Price of $10.00 each
© Chadis Crafts Exclusive.
Sukkot - Lulav and Etrog
4" long pins.
Have ends to be used as a stick pin or with out end
for hat pin.
Round and Square Glass Beads.
Assorted Charms of Gold Plate,
Pewter and Golden Pewter.
Stopper added to keep beads from falling