Earrings now available in:
Non Pierced and Hypo-allergenic (surgical Steel) wires.
Purim Crown Charms Available
in Pewter and Golden Pewter
#1P Purim Crown Earrings
 pewter crowns Wired long glass
beads Available in: purple, light blue, royal blue, red and more $12.00
pair plus shipping
Crown Earrings Golden pewter crown Lime opaque wired glass beads $12.00
pair plus shipping Double Dangles
 Style #1P
Purim Double Pewter Purim Groggers and Food Baskets Ornate Pewter
Connector Purple glass beads. Special $22.00 a pair plus shipping.
Earrings All are available as surgical steel pierced or metal clips.
#6P Hamentasen EAR Purim
Pewter Hamantasen Green glass beads with gold band and swirls Special
$12.00 each plus shipping. 7P EAR Hamentasen Purim
 purple, blue and green wired glass
beads Golden pewter hamentasen charms $14.00 plus shipping #8P Ear
Hamentashen Purim
 Blue and
white wired glass beads pewter hamentashen charms $14.00 plus shipping
#1 EAR Purim Wine
 Golden Pewter Kosher Wine
Bottle Red/blue/multi glass bead Special $12.00 pair plus shipping.This
charm also available in pewter.
#1P EAR Purim Basket
 Golden Pewter Basket Swirl glass
beads in blues, golds and purples. Special $12.00 pair plus
shipping #2P EAR Purim Basket
 Same as
above in pewter. Green/turqouise/gold/etc glass beads. Special $12.00
plus shipping.
 #3P Ear Basket Pewter
food basket Light blue oval glass wired beads Special $12.00 pair plus
shipping #1BasketFilCir
 Pewter basket Gold plate filagree
circle $12.00 pair plus shipping Grogger #1GP EAR Grogger
pewter groggers Glass swirl beads turquoise/gold/etc Shapes of beads can
vary $12.00 pair plus
shipping. same in Pewter #1P Ear Grogger #2P EAR Grogger
groggers Clear Glass Beads with magnenta centers Special $12.00 pair plus
shipping. #3P EAR Groger
 Golden Pewter
Groggers Red/green/multi glass beads Special $12.00 pair plus shipping.
 #4G EAR Fil Grogger Golden
Pewter Groggers Purple/blue glass beads GoldPlate Filigree Intro
special $12.00 plus shipping. #5GP EAR Grogger
 Golden pewter groggers Pink glow
in the dark beads $12.00 pair plus shipping.
#6PWire EAR Purim
 pewter groggers Clear and gray
wired glass beads $14.00 plus shipping
 #7GPWire Purim
EAR golden pewter groggers 2 glass beads with wire color? $14.00
plus shipping
 #8P Ear
Grogger Light blue opaque oval glass wired beads Pewter grogger
#9P Ear Grogger
white opaque irridescent glass beads Pewter groggers Special $12.00 pair
plus shipping Clip Earrings Any earring can be made into clips. Just
ask! Glow in the dark glass beads for Purim fun! available in many
colors.  Style #1Glowclipgrogger Red glow in the dark
beads Pewter grogger charms $12.00 plus shipping
#2PWire Purim Clip EAR
 Clip earrings Pewter
groggers Light green and teal wire glass beads $14.00 plus
shipping #1GroggerFilCir EAR
 Golden Pewter Groggers (pewter
also available) gold filagree circle Special $12.00 pair plus
earrings #1GPChandelier Purim
 6 golden pewter charms Golden pewter
chandlier Special $25.00 pair plus shipping also available in
Pewter #1PChandelier Purim Can be also ordered as clip
earrings. #2PGPChandelier Glass Tube Earrings
 Clip earring but can be
ordered with stainless steel wires Golden pewter and pewter charms and
Chandelier Orange glass tube bead 3" long by 1 1/2" wide from
wire/clip Introductory special $30.00 plus shipping. Purim Crown charms
#1P Purim Crown Pin
 Pewter bar pin Pewter
grogger, crown and hamantashen All moveable $18.00 plus shipping also
available in golden pewter Style #2GP Purim Crown Pin #1 Purim Golden Pewter Bow Pin Golden Pewter Ten Commandments and
Hamantashen Cookie plus Pewter Grogger
 Special Price - $18.00 plus
shipping #2 Purim Golden Pewter Twin Hamantashen with opal/gray Glass E beads and
Pewter Grogger.
Price - $20.00 plus shipping. MOre Charms for
Purim Golden Pewter and Pewter Mishloah Manot Baskets Golden Pewter
Groggers #3 Purim
Basket & Groggers Special $18.00 plus shipping. #4 Purim
 Golden Pewter Pin Golden Pewter
Charms Grogger, Basket & Hamantasen Special $18.00 plus
shipping. #4Bead
 Same as
above with Assorted Turquoise/gold glass beads. Special $20.00 plus shipping. #5

Golden Pewter Bar Pin 2 Golden pewter groggers with food basket Round
glass beads in blue in gold swirl Special - $20.00 plus shipping.
#6GP Purim pin
 Golden pewter bar
pin $18.00 plus shipping
 #7Purim Pin Pewter Lace
pin pewter groggers and basket $18.00 plus shipping
#8Purim Pin
 Golden pewter bow
pin golden pewter grogger, kosher wine bottle and basket $18.00 plus
shipping #9 Purim Pin
 $20.00 plus
#10 Purim Pin
 Custom order to match
bracelet below
#11 Purim Pin
 Custom order to match
bracelet below
Charm bracelets available with link chain, wired beads,
memory wire and more
Most sold items can be custom
 #1GPPurimbracelet Chain
bracelet Golden pewter crown, kosher wine bottle, grogger, basket and
Hamantashen Grape vine toggle clasp. special $24.00 plus shipping
Custom orders email me and we can design one
#1PWirePurimBracelet Wired
glass beads (colors can be custom ordered) Pewter chumsah toggle
clasp Pewter - 2hamantashen, grogger and kosher wine bottle Special
$32.00 plus shipping
  #2GPWirePurimBracelet Wired
glass beads (colors can be custom ordered) Golden Pewter chumsah toggle
clasp Pewter - 2hamantashen, grogge and kosher wine bottle Special
$32.00 plus shipping Sterling Bracelet and Pewter Charms Super Special $7.00 Plus shipping
Sterling 18" Necklace with Pewter Charm Super Special $12.00 Plus
Stick Pins also available with Purim Charms $10.00 each plus shipping #20 Stick Pin
 #21 Stick Pin
 Sukkot - Lulav and Etrog
4" long pins. Have ends to be used as a stick pin or with out end
for hat pin. Round and Square Glass Beads. Assorted Charms of Gold Plate,
Pewter and Golden Pewter. .
GREAT NEW BEADS IN STOCK! Check out my chanukah pages for some of my
newest styles of beads. New purim styles coming!
Gold tone or Silver Tone Tie Bar
with Single Charm Grogger, Hamantashen, Wine Bottle or Basket $6.00 plus shipping

Purim Gifts: Key Chain with CharmBookmark with CharmPurim Wine CharmsPurim Hat Pins
Check out
Lori's Purim Flags!

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