Sukkot Pewter Tree Pin Pewter etrog and lulav Clear irridescent oval
facetted beads. SALE $18.00 plus shipping.
 #2 Sukkot Pewter tree
pin Pewter etrog, lulav, Jerusalem and Torah SALE $20.00 plus
 Style 3 Sukkot
Golden pewter tree pin Golden Pewter Jerusalem, lulav, etrog and
Torah SALE $20.00 plus shipping.
New beads and
styles #1Beadbar Sukkot Pin
 Flash changed the bead color! Dark blue
(looks purple in bright light) glass beads Golden pewter pin Golden
pewter charms: lulav, Jerusalem
and etrog charms Introductory special $25.00 plus shipping
Pomegranate two sided charms #4 Sukkot Pin
 Golden pewter bow pin with lulav, etrog and
pomegranate Wired glass beads $24.00 plus shipping #5 Sukkot Pin
 Pewter lace pin with lulav,
etrog and pomegranate wired glass beads in brown, green and red $24.00
plus shipping
#6 Sukkot Pin
 New tree log pewter
pin pewter pomegrante, apple, lulv and etrog charms $20.00 plus shipping
Polymer Clay Pins with Sukkot Designs Polymer
Clay Pins with Sukkot Theme
Metal Lace Purse Necklaces Purses open Wired Glass beads with
Pewter CharmsOval Metal Purse 1 3/4" by 1"Metal Purse size 1 1/2
by 1"Chain length most 26"
#1MHOvalPurse Necklace
 Yellow wired glass beads (color is
lighter) Pewter Lulav and Etrog Introductory Special $28.00 plus shipping
 Sukkot Gifts from
our visiting artist
Challah Cover for Sukkot
| Sukkot
 Can be ordered pierced or clip Golden
pewter Lulav and Etrog large white opaque glass bead with gold
swirls Special $14.00 pair plus shipping
 Pewter etrog and lulav BLUE
(purple in bright light) square wired glass beads Special $12.00 pair plus
 Golden pewter lulav, etrog and bead
caps COBALT BLUE glass beads $14.00 pair plus shipping
 Pewter Lulav
and etrog Green wired glass beads $14.00 plus shipping
 Pewter lulav
and etrog olive green wired glass beads $14.00 plus shipping #43J Sukkot EAR #44J Sukkot
 Lulav and Etrog
Golden Pewter
and Pewter
Stud (flower stud available in pewter only) Surgical Steel Wires or Non Pierced
Clip Styles only
drop Extra Special Two Charms on Each Ear Not heavy though #43JSukkot with
golden clear beads #44JSukkot EAR Pewter with Golden Beads. Extra Special still only
$14.00 each pair plus shipping.
More Sukkot Earrings and Pins in Stock
with Pictures coming.
Charm Bracelets can be ordered with your choice
of beads and Sukkot charms
#1PSukkotgrapebeadbracelet Pewter grape beads
Pewter grape, tree, etrog. lulav, chai house and
pomegrante Grape vine toggle clasp $32.00 plus
shipping #2GPSukkotgrapebeadbracelt also available in golden pewter
Chain Link
Charm bracelets also available in Rhodium finish and Gold tone. Also stretch
bracelets also available.
Pewter Charms On Sterling Chains
silver 7" serpetine or 18" chains with single charms also available.
More Sukkot Gifts and Jewelry:Key Chain with CharmBookmark with CharmSukkot Wine CharmsSukkot Hat Pins