This page was designed to help parents, scout leaders and
teachers find information about crafts and where to order often hard to find
supplies. As a former
teacher trainer and member of many education committees, I just can't resist listing sites I find on the net that look
helpful to teachers.
I have divided this page (again and again!) into three pages. This page for
supply sources plus
Parent/Teacher Resource Page for
resources that are of general interest and Jewish Parent/Teacher Resource Page.
I suggest that Jewish teachers look carefully through both pages as many of the
basic skills and lessons listed are invaluable and can be applied to any
Need Supplies Or ideas? Check out these other sites.
Check out their new
and improved website. They carry many waxes including
offers candles and candle making supplies. They also have beeswax
sheets. They have
candle and soap paints, molds and more! Watch for more candles projects as I am buying
some of their paints.
Friends StoreNeed beads? Scout craft supplies? Basic kids craft
supplies? Bulk packs for scouts, Sunday school teachers, home schoolers and more!
Check this store out. Also great craft lessons! Making Friends is a personal
favorite of mine for crafts and bead projects. This constant changing craft site
has added a book and craft store. It is
offering some unique and her own original craft books for: general crafts, scouting and of course some
great original beadie project patterns.
Blick Offers For Sale: Clay, Silver art clay, PMC clay, Clay Tools Including Pasta Machines, Art
Supplies and Craft Supplies. Hot Deals of the Week!
 Dick Blick
also offers a Free 480-page Art Supply Catalog!
Janie's Coloring
Hats Hats to color for all occasions, holidays, camps, birthday parties
etc. Great pictures and very reasonably priced. Perfect for classes, camps,
libraries, zoos and more that need a creative project. Pictures printed on the
hats are great and real fun looking. Plus large area left for child to
individualized and add his or her own creative designs.
Jackkyll Scraps- Rainbow of
Cardstock Store for scrapbooking and other paper crafts. Oils for soaps, candles
and more.
Check out my needlecraft pages
for links to yarn companies. by Boston
Clayworks. Great kits for covering with polymer clay. Quality
Kaleidoscopes, Magnifiers, perfume, clocks, pens and more. For professional
crafter or student. Metal, wood parts ready to cover with polymer clay with
suggestions on how to do it. Looks great! Stain Glass patterns for
sale. Has some Jewish ones too. Can possibly be used for other crafts.
Magic Needle Hand Painted Needlepoint
canvases for sale. Some Jewish ones too. Cutting tools and other
products for: scrapbooking, rubber stamping, quilting and more. Includes
die cuts for most religions.
Discount School Supply
A great catalog I have used for a few years. Has an online store.
General craft supplies including: fuse beads, paint (many exclusive brands and messless
supplies), bulk packs of beads, (including animal beads that I just
love) paper, school furniture and more!
Even I can not resist using the paint, bingo bottles and other clean paint
stuff from the Discount School Supply. The kids love their craft/paint suggestions
including making silly putty.
Design Originals
Publishes Craft books on many subjects including: many on beadie animals, hemp,
mosaics, tin, felt, wire, beading and more. Now has a catalog and an online
store. Great books!
Art has for sale the Beady Bead Kits
even in large group packs. Also has bead
supplies, tools, and Beanie baby supplies. It looks like a full service store
with an on-line catalog. Their supply catalog and it has
many interesting beads, including; pony beads/kits and many different bead craft
projects. They carry a lot of Christian craft supplies too.
Shrinky The web site
with info on wholesale and group
packs for the popular Shrink Art projects.
Even the youngest child can color using colored pencils or what ever for the
older child. They now carry kits and dark color sheets (black and brown) plus
some great ideas/supplies for stamping/inking designs.
Bolek's Craft
Supplies Inc. Craft Supply company for many different craft items. It
offerers a large number of different beads, including pony beads. Now has a web
page plus info on
ordering a full catalog.
Rings&Things Wholesale supplies
for jewelry and bead professionals. You need a business license to order from
this source. (I think they
will work with non profits, but you need to ask) They have all jewelry supplies. They also sell clay and friendly
plastic. Most other sources and craft stores seem to not carry friendly plastic
any more.
Publishers of Pack of Fun and other craft magazines. It has a great list of web
addresses for ordering craft supplies. Many are for hard to find craft items.
Jacquard Paint and Paint kits for painting on cloth.'s Arts and
Crafts ideas. A web site for many educational products and companies.
It has
some very interesting craft projects.
Is a wholesale florist supply company. It has a Learning Center with
great crafts that use dried flowers, potpourri and more. Also has great Link
page with sources for supplies and weddings crafts etc.
The Source The official supply center for
OrigamiUSA has books and papers and more.
Huge site with on-line catalog, crafting ideas for adults and
Crafty Kids Kit Catalog Beadie kits,
Jewelry, magnets and more.
I really like these wires. Works great with preschoolers for stringing beads for
bracelets. They can control holding the wire better than cord or string.
You can
order the wires on line. They also offer some really interesting art supplies
with warmers for melting candy, wax etc.
Tools for wax art and other electric
craft tools.
Klutz Books
Has a fun site with a store to buy and look at their great books on crafts and
fun things. I personally use the clay books when teaching. The first one of
their books was my first book on polymer clay. Australian Craft Company
sells international. Has unique kits including therapy crafts. Also has
a long list of free craft projects. A great craft web
site and PBS Television show "Hands on Crafts for Kids Television". Lots of
craft projects. They also like to feature craft stories about
projects that are used for
charity or helping people. They also produce books.
| S & S World
S & S World Wide Offers arts and craft supplies plus craft kits.
Also offers a large section on christian crafts and resources. (Search on
Christian Resources.)They do offer some Jewish crafts supplies. (see my Jewish
Crafts pages for direct links.) Has many
ready-made kits in bulk for camps and schools in their large general
catalog. Has lots of general craft supplies: clay, beads, wood, plaster,
gymp (they call it lacing), copper rubbing, and more! (Including a great source of: large rolls of wide
and pattern gymp, gymp books and supplies.) You will have to email or call to get
their small Judiaca Craft catalog.
See My Jewish Supply pages for more Jewish Crafts from
S & S Worldwide.
For more wax, candle etc molds and candle wax from S & S see My candle/soap pagesSee my camp picture pages for
more copper craft molds and other plastic molds.

Joann has a new huge selection of products called Kids Camp.
Great kits for summer camps or fun at home. Plus more activities
kits called shoebox
Hemp Sisters
Inc. Has hemp and macrame cord. Also Supplies. It also sells other hemp
products to wear etc.
Candle making supplies and great directions. Also has a great
link page with
includes many more sites and sources for supplies for: candles, soaps and scents. Soap making supplies and
fragrant oils. It also has LIP BALM SUPPLIES! How cool is that? Candy, cake and soap molds and supplies. Including some
hard to find ones. Candy molds can be used for soap, plaster and more. Just make
sure once you use it for non food you don't use it for food again. They are
cheap enough to get more than one. They have some great religious ones including
Jewish ones. Carries a
FULL line of craft materials. Including more sewing,country crafts and floral supplies then most other
companies. Rubber stamps plus
some unusual products for the real creative stamper. Glazes, brushes and some
great projects.
Ruth's Jewish
Stamps Another great source for rubber stamps including Jewish ones. The embellishment people! Owners of Ruth's Jewish Rubber Stamps and
MNC Rubber Stamp
Studio. They have great free projects idea pages and sell some really
unique tools and embellishments. Crystals etc you can hot iron onto fabrics and
more! Zum Gali
Gali Rubber Stamps. After many requests, finally found a company that
specializes in Rubber stamps. They make their own designs and even has a
number of Jewish Rubber Stamps and scenes of New England!
Some are pictured online but you can buy a catalog to see their full
in Candy. Has candy/chocolate molds for all occasions and many
religions. These molds are very inexpensive. I have used some like this for plaster
molds. Remember get a second set. Don't use for food and plaster.
Acitva Products Sells
unusual craft
kits, a huge selection of plastic molds for plaster, casting supplies, sand,
string art and more!
Pepperell Braiding Company-
wholesale only The makers of
many of the gymp/plastic lacing/lanyards we all grew up with. It has other
products like: candle wicks, macrame cords and kits, hemp, knitting spool and
mini weaving frames. Would you believe they also sell aluminum chair frames you
can braid/weave seats for? Pepperell recommends or has sister websites. They
confuse me on which is which but check them out. Stretch Magic, Rexlace, Senior
craft kits, Shoe box kits, Add - a - Charms, SoftGlass - Jewelry Tubing, Bulk
Craft Kits and more
Web page and beadie designs ©1998 - 2024 Eileen Chadis Wood.
Use at home or in the classroom permitted as long as copyright is
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Chadis Crafts at Etsy and