Chadis Crafts' Fun Pages Including: Eileen's Camp Crafts and Other Fun Things Candle
and Soap Making Page
Welcome to Eileen's Favorite Craft Crafts and Other Fun Things. An
everchanging site for crafts, fun and education. Here are a few of my projects and links
to world wide web links. I am constantly seeing new web sites and kits for making soap. So I will
be moving some of my links to this page to make it easier to find. I have not
made and soap yet but hope to soon.
Eileen's Own Projects
Cookie Cutter Layered Beeswax
Candles Chanukah Table Candles but technique can be used for any
holiday or event. You use cookie cutters to cut sheets of beeswas that is
layered into a decorative table candle.
Crystal Wax Candles:
Eileen's Crystal Wax Candles
in Baby Food Jars.
Eileen's Rolled Beeswax Sheet Candles:
Eileen's Havdallah Beeswax Sheet Candles
Eileen's Havdallah Paraffin Wax Sheet Candles

Eileen's Kwanza Beeswax Sheet Candles

Eileen's Chanukah Beeswax Sheet Candles
 Eileen's Paraffin Rolled
Tapers Great for everyone or
to use in white for Shabbat.
Future Candle Projects
for Eileen: Painted Candles Wax Cut Outs on Candles.
Painted candles: I am trying to find the time to "play" with candle
paint!I bought some from Genwax but have not had the chance to work with
it. Looks easy! Suggestions for uses of the paint: Buy ready made
candles and paint your own designs on themBuy ready made Shabbat
candles and paint a pair as a special treat for yourself or for a
gift.Themes could be anything but for Jewish candles how about special
ones for Yom Tovs (Holidays). Matzah designs for Passover, Apples for Rosh
Hashanah, Shofars for Yom Kippur etc. This craft could be used for any age
you can trust with paint (or cover the kids up well). They would need a pair of
candle holders or something to hold the candles while drying and possibly while
painting. Wax cut outs on candles:>HR>I have seen at Genwax and other places
wax cut outs you can apply to candles either hand made or bought. Also want to
use cookie cutters to cut sheets of beeswax and apply to other candles.If you
have time try these.. I will get to them eventually. All of the rolled beeswax projects are based on a class I taught at an outside community
event. I had to plan crafts that had: No drying time. no
electicity. All ages Group size unknown.Depending on the weather I could be outside.
(Which I was.) I taught two crafts: Prestamped Rosh Hashana Cards for
children to decorate
with the wonderful new Gel Pens. (Which even grown ups could not resist.) See
my Jewish resource page for rubber stamp
Rolled Havdallah Beeswax Candles. (With
samples of Kwanza candles and cards giving out this web page for more
ideas.)I decided to use
sheets of beeswax. The benefits of beeswax were many: No heating
Craft could be done with all ages. (Plus was safe.) No cooling
time. Could be taught
inside or out and no MESS!
I designed the rolled havdallah and braided candles to teach at a community
event.Black and Jewish Culture Day at the Muscarelle Art Musuem of the College of Willam &
Mary. Williamsburg, Virginia. It was a wonderful day! It was to go along with
the special traveling exhibit of "Bridges and Boundaries
Revisited African Americans and American Jews". Watch for this exhibit as it
travels the country. It was very emotionally moving to see. The candles
continued in a small way the theme of the exhibit, the similiarities in the past
of the Jews and Blacks struggles etc. The Jews using these candles on Saturday
night (Havdallah), braided them
like they do their shabbath challah bread. The Blacks having braided their hair
and children's hair for centuries. The Black participants shared some
interesting braiding techniques for the candles that I wish I had pictures of!
BEESWAX SHEETSI discovered Paraffin wax sheets a few years ago. I bought them
through See my supply
pages. (I was just informed they discontinued
them.) I used them for a class
I was
co-teaching with Jill W.. Budget and ease were two concerns for this
class of adults we were teaching at a JCC Women's Day. We wanted to have the
class make three candles using two methods. Both braided and rolled.
They were a hit. Although some ladies were sensitive to their smell.
Beeswax smells better.Paraffin sheets were cheaper and
softer. (no longer cheaper as they are petroleum based!)Beeswax comes in more colors.Paraffin cuts better when
using a cookie cutter.Beeswax is more environmentally friendly.
(Natural not petroleum based.)So it is up to you and your
budget. Buying in bulk
online makes both kinds of candles more affortable then single sheets bought in
Other WaxThere are other waxes on the market for
crafting. Some being "natural" that might interest some of you. Plus other
waxes for uses possibly other than candle making. Available at
Genwax and other sites. VEGETABLE WAX: Bayberry waxPalm Wax (Vegetable
stearic)Soy Wax (container candle blend) Other Waxes:
sealing wax Starburst waxSculpting waxMicro wax in blocks
and cubes Plus wax comes in lots of forms: blocks, chunks, pearls,
hurricane (paraffin) wax.
World Wide Web Candle and Soap Making Links:Many of the sites have
links to candle making and soap making. Candlemaking supplies has great lessons for
beginners as well as advance candle makers. Has full directions and some
interesting recipes.
Everything you ever wanted to know about candles. Basic directions and fun
projects. Includes supply sources for all types of candles including the new: Magic crystals, gel,
beeswax and more.Also's
Soap Page. Has a huge list of soap making and soap fun facts, games and
recipes. Australian Craft Company
sells international. Also has lots
of free project sheets and lessons including
making and soap.'s
Candlemaking. This huge site has some real nice ideas for
candles for everyday and holidays. It also has recipes for
soap. Many use Lye
and fat. I personally avoid these but many people make soap for their own use and
not to teach children so the safety issues are different. Has
supplies and some great
candle making projects. Including some unusual ones. Has great safety tips.
It has a great link page with a huge list of
resource links for candles.
Check out the directions for
Non-Rolled Beeswax
Candles from Honeycomb
sheets! Really looks like fun. You use cookie cutters and layers of sheets of
wax! Candles Supply Online store that also has free
lessons for candle making and soap making.
More Soap Links:
Flexy Fast molding putty by Brambelberry They sell soap
making supplies and have lessons. The putty looks like a great
product for making flexible molds for soaps, polymer clay etc. Check out the
great video from the
Soap Queen on how to use it. Soapmaking supplies and
fragrant oils. It also has LIP BALM SUPPLIES! How cool is that?
Alphabet Soap
Soapcrafting made easy is the way they describe their site. Looks good. Recipes,
directions, and supply sources. The Book- "Soap Recipes by Elaine
White" Has an online site for Soap making recipes and
MakingBy Elaine White. She has some great recipes for soap. She also
sells a couple of books with recipes. One says 360 Formulas and Recipes for Art and
Crafts using HONEY and BEESWAX! She also has some great link pages. Candles and Online store that also has free
lessons for candle making and soap
making. Australian Craft Company
sells international. Has unique kits including therapy crafts. Also has
a long list of free craft projects.
S & S World Wide is a great source for craft, party, sports and school
 They sell some beeswax sheet kits. They also carry plastic molds for soap, chocolate, plaster and