Chadis Crafts' Fun Pages Also called Eileen's Camp

Eileen's Original Lessons:
Kwanza Rolled Beeswax Sheet Candles
LEVEL: Preschool to Adult
There are many special customs and
prayers to make this a special time. See My
Parent/Teacher Resource page for more information on this Special Black holiday
and the very special
event where I taught these crafts. See for
information on where to buy the wax and great lessons on candle making. See my Candle
Page for general candle information.
Eileen's Kwanza Rolled Beeswax Sheet Candles Kwanza candles come in all
sizes. The are made in Red, Green and Black.
thin wicks, not wire wicks, as it will cause the wax to burn too hot.Tightly
but gently roll all candles. (Air/bubbles will also cause them to burn too
I used a safety metal cutter for cutting cane/polymer clay slices. Safe
around children
Style #1 Green, Red and Black Kwanza Candles Tapers 8"

Materials for one :
1 8 1/2" Thin (small bleached) wicks
1 right triangle sheets of wax made from 1/4
sheets. Total for one candle = 1/4 sheet.
Sheet of Wax paper or parchment paper to work on.
Computer label to write children's name on
1 Place sheet long wise.
2 Cut into two 8" squares.
3 Cut each square diagonally. (now you have 4 right triangles.)
4 Take 1 triangle (place like a right triangle) 
5 place one wick on to the bottom edge of the triangle. Press gently. A small
amount should be left over the edge.
6 Roll and gently press down JUST covering the wick. (about 1/4")
7 Keep rolling and gently pressing VERY little at a time.
8 Gently press and roll out any air pockets.
9 Write child's name on label and place on finished candle.
Repeat for other colors.
Style #2 Small Candles 4"
Make in Black, Green or Red.
Material needed for one:
1 1/16 size rectangle of wax. 4" by 2" (The rest of materials are the same as
1 Lay each sheet down lengthwise.
2 Cut sheet in middle.
3 Cut half in half again.
4 Cut each 1/4 into 4" by 2" pieces. (you now have 16 rectangles)
See directions above from step 5 on.

World Wide Web Kwanza
Resources For General Kwanza
crafts and games see: -
Kwanza pages.
Idea Box - Kwanza pages.
Not Just for Kids'
Kwanza sites.'s Kwanza pages Pre-school activities,
crafts and lessons. Huge resources! Many subjects and holidays including
Hershey Chocolate Company's Holiday recipes for
Preschool Education's Kwanza Crafts Has Kwanzaa Mat, Unity
cup, Necklace, Kinara and Kwanzaa Flag
Kwanza books, music etc sold at If you click on these links and
order Eileen earns some free books to help her make more free lessons.
Web page and beadie designs ©1998 - 2024 Eileen Chadis Wood.
Use at home or in the classroom permitted as long as copyright is
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