JEWISH METAL HAIR STICKSMetal Hair Sticks 5 1/2" long.
Currently available in Silver color only Pewter Charms and Bead Caps
Glass Beads Most -Introductory Price $9.00 each
plus shipping #23JP Hair Sticks
Deep cobalt blue oval swirl
irridescent glass bead Pewter star and bead caps
#24JP Hair Stick Red round
cube irridescent glass bead Pewter Chai/House and bead caps
#25JP Hair Stick Pewter Tree of
life and bead caps Red swirl irridescent glass #26JP Hair Stick
Pewter Shabbat
Table and bead caps Oval teardrop dark blue irridescent glass
Pewter gefilte fish and bead caps
#27JP Hair
Stick Small oval deep green irridescent glass bead #28JP Hair
Stick Small oval deep red irridescent glass Bead
#29JP Hair Stick
Pewter Honey Pot and Apple
plus bead caps Red swirl irridescent glass beads Special $12.00 plus
#30JP Hair Stick Pewter shofar
and bead caps Brown irridescent glass beads #31JP Hair Stick
pewter Lulav and Etrog and bead
caps Deep brown irridescent beads $12.00 plus shipping
#32JP Hair Stick Pewter Apple
and Honey plus bead caps Swirl oval irridescent Special $12.00 plus
#33JP Hair
Stick Pewter lulav and etrog plus bead caps small irridescent purple and
green beads $12.00 plus shipping Klezmer
#1KP Hair Stick Pewter Klezmer with Brown irridescent glass
bead #2KP Hair Stick Pewter Hasid with brown irridescent glass bead
Another great idea from my customers! Need something to hold a scarf or stole closed? Use
one of these sticks and weave in and out of your scarf or
#1JHStick Pewter filagree star w/2blue silver
trimmed glass beads#2JHStick Pewter Braided (reversible)Star and bead caps
w/large green glass bead#3JHStick Pewter Reversible (English/Hebrew) Shalom Dove and
bead caps. Large blue glass bead#4JHStick Pewter Pewter Klezmer and
bead caps with large opaque white glass bead.
#5JHStick Pewter Large Chumsah
and bead caps with Large blue wired bead#6JHStick Pewter Dove with
medium clear silver edged faceted glass bead.#7JHStick Pewter Large
Chumsah and bead caps with light blue large glass bead.
Hair sticks in pairs Special! One $9.00 2 the same $16.00 pair plus
shipping. #8JHStick Pewter Large Chumsah and bead caps with Large red glass
Pewter Charm Tree of Life
Pewter charms Glass
beads #9J Hair stick with green glass bead and Tree of life#10J
Hair stick with white glass bead and Pewter tree of life $9.00 each
plus shipping
#11 Hair
Stick Light green swirl glass with irridescent finish Pewter Chai/tree
of life and bead caps #12JP Hair stick
Pewter Noah and Bead Caps Dark green
irridescent finish glass bead
#13JP Hair Stick Pewter Tree and
caps Light green swirl irridescent glass #14JP Hair Stick
Pewter Torah
and Yad plus bead caps Dark irridescent finished cobalt blue swirl glass
#15J Hair Stick
Pewter Torah, Yad and bead
caps Oval dark green irridescent finished glass bead Sale $11.00 plus
shipping #16JP Hair Stick
large chumsah and bead caps Deep green irridescent finished glass swirl bead
#17JP Hair Stick Pewter
chi/house and bead caps Deep brown dark irridescent finished swirl glass
bead #18JP Hair Stick
Pewter love star and bead
caps Brown dark irridescent finished glass bead #19JP Hair Stick
Pewter Lion of Judah and bead
caps Deep irridescent finished green swirl glass bead #20JH Hair Stick
Deep blue dark finished glass
bead Pewter Large Chumsah and bead caps #21JP Hair Stick
Small pewter chumsah and bead
caps Round oval red irridescent finish glass #22JP Hair Stick
Pewter Kabballah Charm and bead
caps Red long glass irridescent bead
To see More Hair Sticks: Music, Japanese, Food, Frogs and more