Eileen's Camp Crafts and Other Fun Things!


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Many people have been asking for the wonderful pattern that the crafter going by the name of "Raspberry Hamentashen" designed on the web.

The page for this lesson was no longer available.

I contacted the designer and offered to host this pattern.

This is designed to be used as an Girl Scout Swap pin.

The pins you wear that are made using safety pins and small seed beads.

The same pattern could also be used with pony beads and ribbon or gymp and woven into a large beadie.

Israeli Flag Swap Pin Instructions:

With permission of ©Raspberry Hamentashen who holds all copyrights.

May be printed for use at home or classroom with copyright acknowledged.

See Eileen's (Chadis Crafts' Fun Pages) Scouting PAGE, for links to other swap pins used by Girl Scouts and Others.

Israeli Flag Swap Pin
36 blue seed beads.
63 White Seed beads
Instructions to use as pony bead pattern.
Same count of beads as above but use mini or regular size pony beads.

Curling Ribbon or Gymp about 3 feet.

Weave as other beadie patterns.

see Eileen's Beadie Page for instructions on how to make beadies.

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To return to Eileen's Original Jewish and Bible Beadie Patterns.

Web page and beadie designs ©1998 - 2024 Eileen Chadis Wood.
Use at home or in the classroom permitted as long as copyright is acknowledged.

This site is sponsored by Chadis Crafts at Etsy and