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Jewish Pattern Instructions
See my BEADIE PAGE, for basic instructions.

Also see my Bible and Jewish Holiday Bead Projects Page.

Mini Bead
Regular Bead Stars
49 beads.
3 feet of cord or curling ribbon.

Make sure to keep the ribbon/cord loose when you get to row 3 and after 7 to allow for the longer rows. Otherwise it will curl.

To see great instructions and diagrams with arrows explaining how to make my design in blue and white beads etc. see Making Eileen's Star of David Pattern.

3 small ones
designed by
Ronin age 9
Large Shofar:
53 Black.
38 pink.(We were out of good colors Shofars are Brown, Black, Beige and combinations for the natural horn. Use your imagination.)
7 feet of cord

Small Black Shofar:
18 Black beads.
1 1/2 feet of cord.

The bumps of the horn are made by not doubling through(skipping ) one bead as you start the next row.

To Twist like a Yemenite Horn alternate sides of rows for the skipped bead. See Ronin's all glow in the dark one in middle of small pictures.

3D Star
3D designs can be tricky.

30 white beads
24 light blue.
24 dark blue.
6 feet of cord.

String on 16 white beads on each cord.
Twist cord to make circle of white.
string on 8 light blue . Twist cord between the 5th and 6th bead on your left side of the white circle.
String on 8 light blue beads. Twist cord between the 5th and 6th bead on the right side of your white circle. String the last 8 light blue beads. Go through the 5 white beads on the bottom left. String 8 dark blue beads. Twist cord around the middle of the top of the white circle. String on 8 dark beads. Twist around the cord between the 10th and 11th bead on the right of your circle. String on the last 8 dark blue beads. Twist cord around the same space you started the dark blue row. Double back the remaining white beads to the starting loop. and twist and tie off. WOW!

with Yarmulkah
Designed by
Ronin age 9
14 Red beads.
30 skin color beads.
2 beads for eyes.
3 feet of cord.

# 10
The Mezzuzah's picture just did not come out as clear as we would like. The rows are : first row 1, second row 4, third row 5.
44 Yellow.
11 blue.
3 feet of cord.
# 12
Designed by
Micah age 7
Micah used glow in the dark beads. SO they started to glow when his ABBA scanned them! Tallit are often white with stripes. The blue band is the neck piece where the prayer usually is. He put extra ribbon for the fringe.

16 beads color 1.
16 beads color 2.
30 beads color 3.
5 beads for the neck band.
4 feet of cord/ribbon.

Color Changing Large Beadie Tallit

Beadie Tallit Pattern - designed in honor of Rosh Hashana for Shalom
(Designed by Eileen's son Micah now age 11.)

Clicking on the picture will take you to Shalom you will have to click back to get back to this page when you are done.

# 14
I had to laugh when I saw the colors of the beads in this picture!
We used a computer scanner instead of a digital camera and it seems to have added a lot of light. I thought I used all clear and transparent blue. Some must have been color changing or gold. Plus I skipped a clear bead and if you count the beads in the picture carefully, you will catch my mistake. Oh well..
The directions here are a bit complicated!
6 light blue beads.
48 clear beads.
2 feet if ribbon.
1. String on one blue bead on one cord. Double back through.
2. String on 5 clear beads on one cord.
3. String on one blue bead on same cord and go back through with the SAME cord.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 - two times.
5. Take other cord. 6. Repeat steps 2 and 3 - three times.
7. Twist and tie the two cords to make a circle.(You made the outer circle)
8. Weave one cord back through 3 clear beads on left. 9. String on 3 clear beads.
10. Go through the center clear bead(the third one)of the outer circle.
11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 - six times.
12. Weave back through the 2 clear and one blue of the bottom left center.
13. Tie off. Pat your self on the back!

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Web page and beadie designs ©1998 - 2024 Eileen Chadis Wood.
Use at home or in the classroom permitted as long as copyright is acknowledged.

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