Links to the best sites for Beadie Animals on the Web:
Hundreds of Free Patterns! Including my own beadie pages!
A long time favorite! Suitable for 7 years old and up. But
a parent or teacher and a younger child could work together. It uses large
holed beads called pony beads to weave into an animal suitable for hanging
as a key chain. Many older children use thin beading wire and seed/Indian
beads to make a miniature animal that they use for earrings or on a chain.
Children have been known to make many animals and hang 1 pound of more
of animals on their camp bags. When school started, they excitedly
switched them to their school backpacks. Most teachers have been patient with
them. Hopefully they will not make too much noise in the
halls as the critters hit each other. A suggestion of Making
is to use their new Itty Beadie patterns to put on shoes and shoe laces! Will
that also be too distracting for school? Our own new designs.
and Holiday Symbols).
My original designs! I have had many requests for Jewish Patterns. (Lots of crosses out there
nothing Jewish.) So my boys and I have made some Jewish Symbols to get you
Updated with instruction, better pictures and more patterns! It was suggested
that I call these Bible and Jewish Holiday symbols as some patterns ( Ten
Commandments, candles etc. can be used in many religions!)
Beaded Glow in the Dark Queen's and King's Crowns. Perfect for Purim,
Halloween or just dress up!
Day Night Bracelet and Bracelet Key Chain. Our
original craft. An easy
project using glow in the dark and sun changing beads.
 Don't forget to check out my Parent/Teacher Resource Links page
for ideas on where to find supplies on the net. But every craft store chain I
have been to ( in many states) now have the books and beads for this hot craft. My
links page though lists places you can get great prices for large orders of
beads too. SUNCATCHER PROJECTS are another great bead project. Use your favorite safety pin patterns,
loom patterns or my mennorah pattern and make suncatchers! I have seen a few
different ways to weave using the beadie animal technique and another using
clear gymp, straws and the safety pin technique. Check on www.makingfriends for a rainbow suncather!
Tips From My Design Team: Ronin, Micah
their friends.
NEW BEADS Plastic and Glass! Check out your craft stores for the newer smaller sizes of pony beads
by Darice, Westrim and others. Great
sizes. Love the glow in the dark in assorted colors plus it comes in 1/2 pound
bags and new neon full size beads in 1 pound bags. Great. They also love
the full size color changing beads that actually change colors when exposed to light. They
are real fun, although they might be out of the price range for camp projects.
With the prices I see in bulk.. maybe not! We ordered a
bag of 1000 from Boleks. The lifeguard sat during a break and sorted
the colors for us. We used them sparingly with hemp for necklaces and bracelets.
They were a real hit. I made a bit of a magic show with the little kids 3-6 of
marching out side and looking to see when they changed colors. (5 ot 6) Almost instantly!
Then then wanted to go back in the room, put out all of the lights and the window shades closed to see the
go back to white. A couple of exiting minutes. Great fun.. GLASS E
BEADS!Love the glass E beads. Available in clear, irridescent and opaque
styles. Great for jewelry especially for earrings. Works with some wire.
GLASS SEED (Indian) BEADSSeed beads in glass can be used with
thin bead wire to make great small beadies for jewelry and especially
BEST CORD!CURLING RIBBON Cord of preference for weaving the pony bead projects =
curling ribbon.
We have tried gymp/lanyard. Great for narrow projects. Also great for little
kids. But it often causes wide projects to curl. You
have to weave back through the beads. (for a total of 4 times making it hard to
fit through.) They find that most types of cord unravels unless
you glue the end. BUT - They always want to make to animal right away and CAN'T
wait for the glue to dry. Ronin also used a long SHOE LACE to make the
glow in the dark gecko on my picture page. Which leads
me to think kids could use the long lacing threads for some of the small
projects. Now that we have finished a few
summers of beadies, we tried a few new things. The new COATED WIRE was a great improvement
over regular bead wire no unwanted knots. The boys worked with the 4m pony and seed beads. We made
standing geckos and wire charms of South Park and Pokemon creatures.
Suggestions and Tips from others :
I have received a tip from Tessa Moulyn of Canada that she uses gymp on her
beadie animals. She
solved the problem of the projects curling on wide projects.
She steams her projects using a warm iron and a damp cloth. Sounds great!
Thanks Tessa. Have any bead patterns for Chanukah or Christmas that you want to
share? I
would love to host your original bead or craft projects. Giving you credit of
course. email me at
Sells beadie kits and
Sign up for their Fun & Learning Monthly
Newsletter Get great craft types plus extra savings codes Plus great
clearance! Glow in the dark pony beads Changes colors in the sun!
WWW Beadie Links
 For all of the people looking for American Flag projects: See for her Patriotic crafts and SWAP/Friendship Pins/Safety Pin
American Flag pins etc. See some other links below and on my Scouting pages for many links to other patriotic beaded pins
Margo's Beadie Critters Collection
If you are new to beadie critters and need help with
directions then the
Margo's Beadie Critters site is for you! 1000's of free patterns. A redesigned web page with
Basic Materials for
Beadie Critters. Parents check out
*GIFTS IN A JAR!!! on Margo's other site. It has great recipes to be used in adult craft/gift projects.
Includes food and bath gifts you give in a glass jar! Many use sand art
techniques to make layers in the jar. Very different.
Store and Lessons Also great craft lessons!
*Making Friends - Computer Crafts
for Kids Has some of the best
*Beadie Animal Patterns, including
many TV and animal stars. (Including Pokemon!) New patterns are added regularly and for most holidays.
Hundreds of great patterns (Some of
my personal favorites!) including Itty Beadie animals that are tiny and use very little beads. They suggest
you can put them on your shoes! (See General
Crafts for more on this site's incredible craft ideas.)
Do not miss the page of almost 100 patterns that are submitted by visitors to their
*CONTEST SITE. Other unique pony projects include:*Beaded
pipecleaners and pony beads) and *Girl Scout Trefoil
Symbol,*the boy scout emblem,
and a *girl
scout. ( Scout Troop leaders and scouts - please check out my
Scouting Page for more info on Scouting sites including
Jewish Scouting.) For
more advance student has instructions on how to make a LOOM
to weave larger
projects with
and PATTERNS using ponybeads.
Also has great scouting projects including
beaded safety pin projects and SUNCATCHERS. The
pinpatterns can be used to make suncatchers. Free
Patterns for Beadie
patterns and other bead projects including loom and peyote bead patterns. Also has a store for books and other patterns
that are for sale. Great instructions including how to make a pony bead loom,
safety pin jewelry and more.
Ev's Bead
Patterns. plus
to view her patterns. Includes 15 Pokemon characters plus 50 other
Evelyn's Beadie
Pages has some great and newly listed Swap/Friendship pins. Many are very
unusual even some Christmas, Jewish ones, Patriotic, Sports and more!
Catcher Patterns Lilly's
Fashion (mini beads)
Doll Beadies has moved to a new site. Click on each of the 40 pictures
for the pattern.
40. Even has her own computer program
Pattern maker
for you to
make your own
beadie patterns for dolls beadies. She has great craft sections for beadie
buddie type projects at:Craftsincluding PERLE BEAD PATTERNS!.Lily has a great page on the hot jewelry
craze of Power Beads. I
have seen the fancy gift shops selling jade and crystal bracelets. Well this is
the way to use pony beads. She includes the chart of which color represents
each power. An easy stringing project and the color is what makes it special.
Also has other beadies, suncatchers and crafts too. A great resource for someone
who wants to make their own beadie patterns and pages using Windows.
(Temps me! I use Linux and Html books on my husbands non Windows computer) is a great site (see my gencrafts for
links to their site.) Now has beadie designs including: pokeball designand
Game boy design.
Jason's Beads He has made many pokemon and
other bead patterns including Christmas ones. He also has a series he calls his Steven
series of men in different costumes.
Pilgrim Pony Bead Pattern. See my fun and craft pages for links to other
parts of this great site. Beadie Page. Planetpals is an great
site for studying the earth. (see my general/fun pages for more on this site.)
They have 9 cute creatures for earth and weather symbols. Monika ( age 12)
made beadie designs for them. Click on the Planetpals on the
bottom of the page for individual directions.
Junk Mail
Jewelry.Something a little different. Make paper beads out of junk mail.'s 13 Pony Bead
Projects under the instructions for the alligator.
Ronin I. Wood's Original
Design of Kenny. (My son Ronin.) Made for the
Making Friends.Com Contest.
Design Originals
Publishes Craft books on many subjects including many on beadie animals. Great
books on bead/wire projects. Now has many free projects on their site. I used their Suncatchers book. A
big hit with the 10 and up group. We used medium pony beads, so we could not
hide the ends of the rows. It looked cute and the kids really liked
the size they ended up. For those that have not seen suncatchers, they hang
beads on gymp from a straw. Looks somewhere been stain glass and a beaded
curtain. It can get tedious , for some, cutting a piece of gymp per
row and hard to tie the ends. It is something different for the pre/teens to
enjoy. I found their book at my local Michaels and other stores. But they now sell it on
line with their other products.
ACMOORE store's Pony Bead Chanukah Menorah
Girl Guiding White Hawk. CO. UK 's Christmas
Beadies They say they have thousands of
patterns but you have to pay an annual fee to see them.
Beading Alphabet charts by You can use these for making
words or letters with your pony beads too.