Chadis Crafts's Fun Pages Including: Eileen's Camp Crafts and
This page of craft links covers a
wide area of crafts. With additonal pages on my site for some of the more popular
crafts: *polymer clay, *
braiding and
of course the most popular *Beadie/Pony
bead animals. Additional crafts
for Jewish programs can be seen on my *Jewish
Crafts page or my new *Jewish Beadie Projects
page. Also don't forget to check on my Parent/Teacher
Resource page for links to
helpful sites and companies that sell kits or supplies for many
crafts. When choosing crafts for this page I am trying to find: Simple
Crafts (coloring books etc.) that parents of young children can do on the
computer or in their home. Crafts teens can do by themselves.
Crafts for professionals (both experienced and
beginner) Some of these crafts I have used myself. Many are sites I have
only recently discovered but see they have potential for crafters like myself.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Remember to hit reload ever time you visit a page on my site, as I update frequently
and most computer networks save old copies of a site to "help" you.
Pokemon Crafts! Ronin and Micah (with my help)have started a list
of Pokemon sites including those with crafts. Pokemon beadie animals, yarn bugs,
card cases and more. Check out 
Ronin's and Micah's
Pokemon Links and Crafts Page. Now has Dragon Ball Z, Digimon and more!
Eileen's Baby Food Jar Crafts.
Includes some hints on how to organize large craft classes. Eileen's now has a new section on
Candles and even newer section on Soap Making and new
lessons on: Havdallah Candles
Chanukah Candles
Kwanza Candles All made with rolled
sheets of beeswax. Chadis Crafts'
New Candle and Craft Mold
Sources Hundreds of craft and candles molds and supplies.
Scout and Guide Crafts can now be
found on EILEEN'S Scouting Pages. Many crafts on this page
are great resources for Scouts/Guides but this new page features Scout
Now in smaller easier to find catagories.World Wide Web Links To Great Craft Sites:
GENERAL CRAFT SITES: Too many different crafts to list seperate!
 Discount School Supply Company
Even I can not resist using the paint, bingo bottles and other clean paint
stuff from the Discount School Supply. The kids love their craft suggestions
including making silly putty. They have now updated their site to include
Articles, Idea exchange,
hundreds of craft projects and links.)
 S & S World Wide Offers arts and craft supplies plus craft kits.
Also offers a large section on christian crafts and resources. (Search on
Christian Resources.)They do offer some Jewish crafts supplies. (see my Jewish
Crafts pages for direct links.)

Dick Blick Offers For Sale: Clay, Clay Tools Including Pasta Machines, Art
Supplies and Craft Supplies. Also has silver clay. Has
great craft lessons and a store including the following:
In addition to the *BEADIE ANIMALS, MAKING FRIENDS has
lots of general crafts on this site. Including : *PRESCHOOL JEWELRY, *YUCKY
CRAFTS,*TIE DYE CLOTHES for your beanie babies and your
Making Friends Paper Dolls. Many crafts use a computer printer to help you
make professional and colorful designs. *DOT ART
will work great with the Bingo Bottles we love at camp. (See Supply
Flexy Fast molding putty by Brambelberry Looks like a great
product for making flexible molds for soaps, polymer clay etc. Check out the
great video from the
Soap Queen on how to use it. Craft Stew is a great craft blog It has very original crafts
including candles,computer crafts, cake decorating, bookbinding and lots more.
Homeschoolzone's Pitter
Patter Craft Library.WoW! Some really great and unusual crafts!It has a
great Crafts of the
Weeks. It has a lof of Coloring Pages.It has been around for awhile, don't know how I could miss this!
* Holidays, *Recipes
*Recycle crafts
*Homemade Gifts
and LOTS MORE! It should take us months to look through it all!
Holidays on the
Net An award winning site. Has Holiday information, stories, games,
crafts, greeting cards, links, teachers guides and MORE! Holidays include all
major Jewish Holidays, Ramadan, Christmas, Halloween, all
U.S. Holidays and more.
Shrinky Has a site with
directions for the plastic shrink art sheets. This is a fun craft. What ever you can draw or trace can be made into a
keychain, magnet, jewelry etc. They feature on site
free patterns of
the month. I have done
this craft with even 3 year olds using colored pencils. (on roughed up sheets - see
their prebuffed ones.) We at camp used 1/4 sheets, punched with paper punch and
made great key chains. No limit to the imagination on this craft. See my parent
page for more info and links to ordering information. A great site with
educational and fun things about the Earth. Has free craft projects,*earth beadie babies, recycle
kits, *email
stickers (electronic card),*
coloring book, *Origami
star, and more. Has greatly increased
their craft section. Hundreds of orignial crafts and links to more. (I have them on my fun and parents pages.)Including
art backpack tags. (pokemon) I like the easy soap
making project.
Creativity Crafts, Music, Hobbies and More. Huge site with a search engine that has
hundreds of links and free lessons for crafts.
PBS Kids - Teletubbies
has Activities including some crafts.
Magic Dip. This is the tye dye type paint
that you can use on paper, plastic, tiles, cloth and more. I have looked for
this web site and someone finally found it for me. You can order online in
different sizes and lots of great colors. See my picture
page for
examples of things I have used Magic Dip on. I used a large fish tank so the
children could watch the colors swirl and "Magic" of the colors sticking on the
project. Must be done in a well ventilated place. You also have to have a place to
hang or to place a project to dry.
Craftbits.comAustralian Craft Company
sells international. Has unique kits including theraphy crafts. Also has lots
of free project sheets and lessons for kids and other
Ruth's Jewish Rubber Stamps
and More! Ruth has some great stamps for sale but also offers ideas and
lessons from everything from stamping ceramics to chocolates!
Magazine has an online magazine with some crafts A craft web
site and PBS Television show "Hands on Crafts for Kids Television". Lots of
craft projects.
Floral Home
Products is a wholesale florist supply company. It has a Learning Center with
great crafts that use dried flowers, potpourri and more. Also has great Link
page with sources for supplies and weddings crafts etc. - Crafts
for Kids has a great list of links for kids crafts and many original crafts.
Has bible crafts, nature crafts, Pokemon, paper dolls, and more!
Fun With
Harry Potter.(teachers Edition) It is made for teachers but kids can use
lots of this.
More Crafts site:
Crafty Kids Kit Catalog has some free
patterns and ideas. Another Huge
site for crafts
including holiday
crafts. Christmas, Hannukah and Kwanza among others. Also has ideas for
Birthday Party ideas. Recipes
Surfing the Net
with Kids- Arts, Crafts and Music pages.'s Has many activities
including coloring pages.
Holiday pages.and
activities. It has some fun
Children Activities.
call themselves the no.1 toddler site on the web. Real cute coloring, games and more.
Mark Kistler's
Imagination Station! Public Televisions's Favorite Learn-to-Draw in 3-D
series. Lessons and links for parents, teachers and of course kids!
Everything Huge
site with lesson plans, information sharing, Really does look
like everything a Preschool teacher needs. Pre-school activities,
crafts and lessons. Huge resources! Many subjects and holidays. Rubber stamps plus
some unusual products for the real creative stamper. Glazes, brushes and some
great projects. Rubber stamping
terms. Has great lessons on
Native American crafts. Including clay, metal work, leather, feathers, beads and more! Has recipes
Has great games etc. The
books are unique. You color on the web and then print it out. Animals,
racing, construction vehicles, building etc.
and Boy Crafts from Has a lot of science and "boy" things. As a mother of two boys it looks
great. But as a teacher of boys and GIRLS... Most Girls would love to make these
Michael Arts and Crafts
Store. Lists interesting
craft projects for adults and children PLUS includes a web
Coloring Book,a
more mature,
Class Coloring Book and
Inter Note - web email greeting
cards with music.
Street Workshop Craft pages.
Family.comPart of the Disney Company.
Has a great Craft finder with hundreds of
| JEWELRY, WIRE and BEAD CRAFTS: See my Beadie
page for pony bead
crafts. Also new on my Jewish Beadie Patterns - Glass E bead Charms and Earrings
on wire.
Eileen's Beaded King and Queen Crowns. It uses pony beads and chenille pipecleaners. It was a huge success with all ages at
camp this summer. Some used glitter beads. The boys liked the glow in the
dark. More Bead Swaps for Girl Scouts on my Scouting Page.
Lily (a beadie animal web site) has a great page on the hot jewelry
craze of Power Beads. I
have seen the fancy gift shops selling jade and crystal bracelets and calling
them Power Beads. Well this is
the way to use pony beads. She includes the chart of which color represents
each power. An easy stringing project and the color is what makes it special.
Junk Mail
Jewelry. Something a little different. Make paper beads out of junk mail. It
is included as part of
Imagination Factory - Recycle Art Lessons. Including Drawing, painting,
printmaking, collage, sculpture, holidays, fiber art, marbling and more. Go to
previous activites.
I really like these wires. Works great with preschoolers for stringing beads for
bracelets. They can control holding the wire better than cord or string. You can
order the wires on line.
Distribution's Friendship Pin Patterns. 56 plus 26 alphabet letters. Wow!
I think this can also be used to make suncathers.
Paper Crafts Also see my Japanese Crafts and Fun Pages for
Jewish Origami

 Judaiquilt's amazing new
book! The paper folding Origami book is a
download from the author. Origami using the Netflix's
wrappers! Not an official Netflix's site. Just someone'r brilliant recycling
of the part you through away from the return envelope. Speaking of
Netflix, check out these great offers.
Woman's Day Magazine Online has new
paper crafts.
Paperdoll Pages and Marilee's Craft Links list links to Paper Dolls and to many Adult and
Children Craft Links.
Printable Crafts for Kids. Great pictures for printing out and using in
craft projects. Has many holidays, cartoons, (blues clues, Pokemon etc), circus,
space and lots more.
Proud Mommy's Children's Coloring
Pages from all Over.
Paper Dolls on the Web.
TANGRAMS 7 Piece Chinese Puzzle you can
make into millions of different shapes To play tangrams go to
my fun pages.
Make your own Tangram set.
Science, Food, Bath, Crafts and More!Many of
the general craft sites above have some great recipes. I try and point to them
in my links so read above. Also check out my new
Candle and Soap Making pages
for more recipes.
GIFTS IN A JAR By Margo of Beadie Critter fame. (see my
beadie page for more info) Gifts in a Jar has great recipes to be used in adult craft/gift projects.
Includes food and bath gifts you give in a glass jar! Many use sand art
techniques to make layers in the jar. Very different. It also has links to other
recipe sites.
for kids 266 Craft recipes!'s
Pitter Ptter Craft Library. Kitchen Science This is a huge and incredible
site. This is their Kitchen Science. I am going to list it in my science fun
too! Lava Lamps, Rock Crystals, Chocolate Modeling Clay and MORE!
Linit Starch-N-Crafts Idea Book
I have
not tried any of these crafts yet. Looks great. Has recipes for silly putty,
slime, paper mache and other fun looking stuff. Concepts
in Candy. Has candy/chocolate molds for all occasions and many religions.
These molds are very inexpensive. I have used some like this for plaster
molds. Remember get a second set. Don't use for food and plaster. They can
probably be used with other recipes that need molds.
Everything Preschool Recipes-Cooked Clay Recipes. Craft
Clay, Sand Clay, Cookie Clay, Modeling Clay, Baker's Clay and Coffee Clay.
Non Cook
Clay recipes Bread Clay, Apple Cinnamon Clay, Sawdust Clay, Rose Petal
Clay and Mock Marble Clay.
Preschool's Play Dough recipes Edible, Cooked play dough and non-cooked
play dough. Everything preschool's craft recipes. Paint, slime,
crayons, ink, chalk and more!
Everything Preschool's Recipes for home made silly
putty. 's Craft Recipes. Australian store has
lots of craft lessons and recipes for adults and kids.
More Recipes - Buy the books at Kid Concoctions by
John E. Thomas
Jill Frankel Hauser's Science, Craft and other Concoctions
Shop Has great craft books.
Check out these great Klutz Press books. Many come with supplies.
Suzanne McNeil's Design Original Company Great craft books.
The pictures on these links can change by themselves. If only a very
large ad for shows up rather than a bunch of indivual books, please hit the reload button on your webpage.
I found many books, kits and supplies for Shrinky Dink Projects including
the oven. Check books and toys.
Check my site often as I
will be featuring more individual craft books soon.
Remember to hit the page reload button if you see Amazon ads and Not the
recommended books.
Lego and art together! Lego Mosaics Put a picture under a
transparent base plate and "trace" the picture with lego bricks! Some can
even be made 2 or 3D and they can be even hung.Then go to and you
can download some holiday patterns for free!   A World of LEGOŽ Mosaic
  Building Fun with LEGOŽ Mosaic
Do not forget to check out the
Parent/Teacher Resource Link Page for
catalog /supply company information plus other resource links!