Chadis Crafts's Fun Pages Presents:
Crafts, Lessons and Links Passover 2012
Evening of March 23 to April 2, 2013
Many of the sites and lessons on my Jewish
Crafts page, Jewish Resources page,
General Crafts and
Polymer Clay crafts have been used for Jewish Crafts and may also include
Passover ideas.
Eileen's Original Jewish
Crafts: When I think of Passover, I think of large Seder
Dinners and Matzah.  I also think of my mother's
baking. I finally got her to give me her recipes below. They are always
a hit with my guests. She does not have a clue where she got them!
Hope you enjoy! Eileen's Family's Favorite Passover recipes pages.
Projects including:
 Passover designs.
My original designs! The hottest kids crafts crazy in years were Pony Bead
Projects for: Beadie
Animals/Critters/Buddies etc. I have had many requests for Jewish Patterns.
(There were lots of crosses out therebut nothing Jewish.) So my boys and I have made some Jewish Symbols to get you
started thinking and designing your own. Let me know if you design any and I
will add them to my site. See my beadie animal page for 100's of
general patterns and instructions.
Passover Facts, Fun,
Lessons, and Crafts.
Craft Supplies Check out my Jewish Resources
and Supply pages for more
 Click on picture to go to this site.
Search using key words of Judaic,Jewish, Shalom, etc to find more crafts.
S & S
Worldwide. Crafts, party supplies,
school supplies, gyms and more! Great for preschools,
camps and elementary schools. Has Jewish crafts too. Supplies for all types of Temple or
Passover Links
Lion brand yarn felted afikomen bag. Knitted pattern using
wool that is then felted. The process where you wet wool so it shrinks together
into a piece of fabric. Lion brand even has a stencil for the HEBREW letters!
Wonderful seeing this online!
OU.ORG's Pesach
pagesNeed to know
which products are Kosher for Passover? Live like I do in an area that
stores think that Kosher for Passover means only carrying more Matzah and
Potatoe Starch but not much else? Need to find the last minute things that may
be kosher for Passover but only marked kosher and not kosher for
Passover? Answers can be found in the's Orthodox Union guide to Pesach. Lots of Passover basics for
beginner to advanced level of knowledge about Passover.
All are wonderful but their guide to
Passover products and those products that don't need special
Passover product listing and markings are invaluable! Before the internet you had to
find a copy of their booklet. Now it is online for all to see and print. Guide is mainly for
Passover:History and the
Meaning in FaithStories, recipes, traditions of different cultures, E Cards
and more! In English but there are some of explanations also in French. Passover Pages
has great information for parents and teachers. They have pages just for
kids sites and information listed on their Pages
for Kids. Stories, guides, games. Also a multimedia movie for kids to
navigate the site using Mr. Matzah. A must for
kids!Mulitmedia songs and stores as well as cooking
lessons Janie's Coloring
Hats Hats to color for all occasions, holidays, camps, birthday parties
etc. Great pictures and very reasonably priced. Perfect for classes, camps,
libraries, zoos and more that need a creative project. Pictures printed on the
hats are great and real fun looking. Plus large area left for child to
individualized and add his or her own creative designs. She has a great section for Jewish Holiday
Hats! Holidays,(including Passover), Shabbat, Israel, Aleph Bet, Birthday, Tzedakah, Brachot and
Israeli Flag. Pictures are really appropriate for the occasion, lots of Hebrew
too. Huge site for Passover information, fun
and recipes. Also links to buying Passover items.
Chabad of
British Columbia's The Seeling Art Haggadah Hardcover, beautiful
illustrations in Hebrew and English. This looks like it would be a beautiful addition
to you seder table.
Jewish Nature Center Passover Crafts Very unique Jewish
Crafts using things from nature such as bark etc. For Passover they have Clay
Bricks and Seder Plates!

Hanukat Celebrates Passover. The
great Hanukah site has added a Passover site! Original Stories, great
Treasure Hunts to use at your seder,(including one hunt for at home and one for
a classroom) and coloring pages. Really Fun!
Torah Tots.Com. Great religious education
site for young children. It includes: games, stories, educational
links, music and more. It also sells baseball style cards about the Torah called "Torah Cards" to collect.
Has a
great colorful Hagaddah for the family and of course perfect for exciting
children. It has
cards, Story, Coloring pages, games, and even a
sample seder.'s
Passover Pages This site has pages of information on Passover, Recipes,
How to Run a Seder, where to buy Passover food etc. (Plus any other
Jewish Holiday) Great links to
kids sites.
It also has some great clip art and Wallpaper pages's
Pages. Jokes, recipes, history, electronic cards and more! This site has many
Passover search on MavenThe
Jewish Portal. Over 67 sites listed! You might have to type Passover into
the search page on this link.
Holidays on the
Net Passover Pages An award winning site. Has Holiday information, recipes,stories, games,
crafts, greeting cards, links, teachers guides, music and MORE! Has a large list of
Passover activities.
 © Use
by permission.'s Jewish Crafts. Has some frog crafts and a great
Bible Craft on Moses and the
Red Sea from her Bible Friends Series. A 3D scene
that I think is really cute and would make a great Passover center piece for your Kids
 Check out Susan's Matzah Pin and other Jewish
crafts at Making Friend'
Jerusalem's great site has guides to holidays.
Holidays too.
Including Passover. It has great pages for children
Great Themes, Educator guide and fun stuff. Includes: stories, music and a haggadah.
The Homer Calendar Uses Homer Simpson to help
people and children count the Omer every day between Passover and
The Jewish
Agency-Pesach Page Pedagogic Center. Huge resource for parents and teachers. Lesson plans.'s Passover Pages. Large list of links.
Funology has many holidays for all religions.'s
Passover Pages.
This site has great things for special need children. It also has
fun activities and recipes for holidays (including Chanukah, Passover, Sukkot,
and High Holidays) and more for ALL children. Has Jewish clip art!'s
Passover Pages Akhlah: The Jewish Children's Learning Network. Has great holiday,
Israel, Hebrew, Parsha lessons and fun things. Includes a
kid's Passover Crafts.'s Passover
Pages.. Learn about Passover, send E Mail Passover Cards, Songs,
*Crafts(Make a Matzah Holider, Afikomean Bag, Models of the 4
sons, Cushion),
*Passover Hagaddah Coloring
*Ten Plagues Coloring book and more! Don't miss
Mitzvah Stories for Passover
Jewish Outreach Institute Passover pages. Has a huge resource site including Pesach
information. This is more of a parent site than children.
Jewish Rock Band offers
Shlock Rock Educator
Pages. Lesson plans help for Jewish Sunday, Day
Schools and Preschools. Shows how to use their music for Holidays and learning
about Judiasm.
PassoverPages. Games, word searches and coloring pages.
Passover at Crafts, E Cards, Graphics, links and more.
Passover pages have many articles, lessons, interfaith suggestions, recipes and
tips. Some unusual things like vegitarian recipes, guide for Christian guests,
feminist seders and more!
Hebrew Children Songs for
Holidays. Has a few Passover songs.
Uncle Eli's
Passover pages. This is a great site. The stories and the Under Table
Hagaddah are classics! You can see the whole thing online. The book for this Hagaddah that is sold online or in stores has great
color pictures! Passover
Songs and audio classes for Passover. Passover study
pages. These are for Adults, Parents are Teachers.
Miriam's Cup A suggestion for adding a new
part to the Passover Seder. Honoring Miriam the Prophetess.
Virtual Seder
A fun way to show what goes on a seder plate and why.
Sesame Street Workshop - Passover Haroset.
Nurit Reshef's
Pesach to Shavout Pages. It has some fun activities
for Kids for
Pesach. Including
Music for
Pesach. Plus MORE in Hebrew or English.
Journal from Virtual Beit Midrash Is an interesting adult resource.
Passover Greeting Cards from
Learn@JTSPassover. Pesach lessons
and fun from Jewish Theological Seminary. Including some
pages.'s Passover Pages. Somehow I lost
this one after listing it on my new pages! A great resource site especially for
homeschoolers. It has some interesting Passover crafts and recipes plus lessons
on the holiday. They have a huge selection of coloring books at a new address
including Passover Coloring pages to print
out with all of the plagues and many pages of Moses and the 10 Commandments.
Plus a
Benny's Educational ToysAlso called Has educational toys and materials for the home and the
classroom. Just got their Passover catalog. Wonderful class packs for seder plates. Really different materials
for teaching about Passover and Passover crafts. Perfect for preschools and elementary schools. Also
offers flannel boards, games, stencils and more!'s New
Passover Jewelry and Gift Pages Check out my
business site and sponsor of these "Fun" pages for new Passover Jewelry and Deluxe Passover
Beaded Wine Charms perfect for the Seder Table.
Tambourine Gifts and Jewelry
 Lori's Crafts Chadis Crafts' visiting artist. She know has her OWN Web site too. She Has many Jewish
fabric crafts including Chanukah. With more coming. Insulated lunch bags, tote
bags, challah covers, fabric bowls, tallit bags. Many come in holiday fabric. I
just love her Bowls. She has many different shapes and patterns. Check out her
matzah fabric insulated lunch boxes. Perfect for school or work lunches during
chol amod Pesach. Lori has been working on many new Passover
items from Matzah covers, boxes, placemats and more! Just email her with your
Sevuplates by
Marsha Anderson Creative artist! Beautiful and unusual Judaica glass painted plates for
Shabbat and Jewish Holidays. She has some new ones for Passover.
Including some for Passover.
The Resources pages got too long so they are now
divided: Jewish Resources and
Parent/Teacher Resource Link
Page Generic catalogs and ordering information plus other resource links.
Jewish Fun sites. Hundreds of Links to sites
for reading Jewish stories, comic books, GAMES (for little and big kids), music, make email cards, Holiday
fun, learn Hebrew and Yiddish words and MORE!
Eileen's Passover Crafts
Pesach Crafts Elijah or
Miriam Cups
 Having a special glass to use to welcome the Magical Elijah
to your house can be another addition to your familiy Judaica.
Again many people have family/inherited wine cups they use for Elijah. But
making one is also great. Also one site on this page also suggests a
special cup to honor Miriam. This sounds interesting and I will look into it
for my next seder.
Clay on Glass Kiddish Cups
See my Clay page or my clay on
glass pages To give you ideas on making kiddish cups using a glass goblet
covered with Polymer Clay and to see additional pictures of cups. Since you may or may not drink from this, you have
to be careful to make it safe for drinking. (Some people sneak a dring from the
cup to let children think that Elijah was at their house.) If you use
polymer clay like Sculpey and seal with a Sculpey Gloss, should be able to use the kiddish
cup. I prefer to use a glass goblet rather than just shaping a kiddish cup
out of clay. The glass gives it a great feel and seems safer as a liner for
drinking. I suggest you do not go over the lip
of the goblet. Stop at the edge. Since grape can stain things it might be
worth using White grape juice or wine for these cups.
Shrink Art Shrinky Dink:JewelryMagnets
Name TagsLabels for Pesach place tags.
This is a fun craft and easily adapted to a Jewish Theme. Shrinky Dinks are
Shrink Plastic Sheets. What ever you can draw or trace with color pencils or
permanet markers can be made into a
key chain, magnet, jewelry etc. You bake the plastic on cookie sheets in your
home oven or toaster oven. They shrink about 1/8th the size and thicken. I have done
this craft with even 3 year olds using colored pencils. (on roughed up sheets - see
their prebuffed ones.) We at camp used 1/4 sheets, punched with paper punch and
made great key chains. No limit to the imagination on this craft. For Pesach
try drawing Seder plates or pieces of Matzo. Makes great Pesach jewelry.
Passover Rubber
Stamps Projects
There are some great Jewish Rubber stamps that can be used in many different
ways for Pesach. They can be used on the Shrinky Dinks above or on paper. The teacher or
parent can stamp the designs for the kids to keep them cleaner. (kids and
papers.) I have xeroxed my stampings and then had the kids color them in. The
new gel pens are great. These stamps can be used as labels for place cards.
Pesach Place Mats You can also stamp directly onto a paper to decorate your
Pesach Place mats. These look great for each place setting. You can cover with
clear Contact paper or if you are lucky to have access to a laminating machine.
Laminate. Passover Pillow Cases. Most families have a special
Matzot cover. But how about pillows? One of the commandments for the Seder is
to lean or recline during the seder. Many people have special pillow for at
least the Seder Leader. How about pillows for all of your guests? Of
course we all have nothing better to do before Pesach! But if you make the
pillow cases cute but generic, (don't put peoples names.) You can make one or
more each year until you have a set. Rubber Stamps with Fabric
Paint Rubber stamps with fabric paints are
just one idea for painting the pillow case. The rubber stamp companies have
many Hebrew letters and designs. Hand PrintsHand prints are another way to make
original pillow cases. Of course dating the pillow cases too.
Plague Bags More and more I am seeing Day schools and
commercial sites selling some kind of bag with toys in it for the preschool
(and others) to have during the Seder. I have heard that some have toys that represent each of
the plagues. You have to be creative with plagues like Boils!
Toy frogs are a favorite of these bags. I have not seen the bags in person but
some of you other creative people may be able to email me with what you used
for your bags. I just wanted to through the idea out there. Can't imagine
what they would do with the killing of the first born! Scarry just to think how
you would even discuss this one with child.
Plague Bags by Sheri Wald
Preschool teacher at Dallas JCC
BloodUse little see through plastic containers or bottle filled with
water, oil and add red food coloring or red water color from Discount
Frogs Every year, I go out and look for cool toy frogs. One year, I found some where the eyes' bugged out when you squeezed them, the kids loved it! I have used the plastic frogs you make jump, and sometimes just plain small frogs.
Wild Beasts I have used animal masks and I have used plastic animals
Locusts, Flies and Lice I use plastic bugs. I have also used bug and fly stickers
Hail I have used balls of foil, plastic balls (like ping pong balls), and small styrofoam balls. Since the hail was actually "fiery hail" I found these clear bouncy balls a couple of years ago, when they bounce, they light up reddish/orange. These are my favorite.
Boils We used bubble wrap
Darkness I have used blindfolds (bandandas) but usually use wild sunglasses
Cattle disease We have a picture of a cow laying on it's back, and plastic cows we turn upside-down
Slaying of the first born we have a picture of a baby with a circle and slash drawn over it. Some people I know use small plastic toy knives.
Plague bag by Shelly Kosack
 Shelly made these plague bags for her shul's
community seder. Blood - Juice boxFrogs - FrogsLice -
SpidersWild Animals - Koosh animalsBoils - HandsHail
Ice cubesLucusts - Flying bugsDarkness -
SunglassesDeath of First Born- BabyThanks Shelly for sharing. Make Your Own Chocolate Seder Plate and other Passover
Chadis Crafts' Fun Pages own candy, chocolate
and craft molds store. Has many kinds of molds including Jewish molds
for many holidays. Plus chocolate
and candy making supplies that are Kosher. (You will have to search to see if
any of them come in Kosher for Passover too.) Make Your Own Chocolate
Seder Plate  I
have made a few of these the last few years.
I have melted lots of chocolate in
other molds and new it would be
very easy. Especially with microwave melting. This proved the same. I bought
4 molds (see link below) with the idea of using some later for plaster. But
after two years now I realize I need all for food. Everyone loved them as
gifts. Plus you may need some for dairy and some for parave! I have found Shifra bittersweet
chocolate for Passover. Parave! I do not usually like bittersweet but I also
can't eat anything dairy, but this chocolate was incredible and smooth. It took 2 15 oz bars to make 3
plates. One suggestion is to make sure to fill the mold right to the top so
the indents do not show at all. Otherwise it will be thin at these spots. I
ended up adding chocolate after I filled the mold the first time. It just meant
smoothing it with a dull knife to make the layer added look smooth. It was a
big hit for my hosts at the seders as was the brownies (see Mom's recipe
below.) and the chocolate covered matzah. (Also see link below) We could not
resist. I had to list this
craft as I found on
Jewish candy molds. Some hard to find Jewish molds for making candy. Including
this large mold for making a chocolate seder plate. It is pretty close to a full
size seder plate! They sell supplies for soap and candies. They have been
wonderful in trying to find kosher products. They said many of their
supplies were O-U kosher. The are carrying the Shifra chocolate but you will
have to ask if any of it is the Kosher for Passover on the label. I have
bought other brands of Passover chocolate and they were fine too. Candlylad made an incredible effort to get all
of their Kosher products and Jewish molds listed on their website. It was a pleasure to work with them. I also bought their catalog
which is huge.
PLASTER? Plaster I will have to ask some
Rabbis but most chocolate molds can be used for plaster of paris molding. Just
buy a second one as you don't want to use one for food and chemicals like
plaster of paris. This may be a great project for a fun seder plate. One the
kids can make and "play" seder but not one you might want to use for food. If
you use a shellac or spray lacquer you could probably use it for the plate and
use clear glass dishes for the food to sit in.
Seder Plaster Wall Hanging Or put a wire hanger on the
back when the plaster is wet. Make sure to balance on the edge of the mold or it will sink
totally into the plaster. Then you when you are finished painting etc you can
hang it on the wall as a new piece of Judaica! If you use the Faster Plaster
Brown antiquing finish you can make it look like wood. Just paint over the whole
thing either plain or after the paint dried. Let dry for a few seconds or a
minute and wipe off. This makes it look old or wooden. Finish with sealer.
Jewish Pesach Craft Kit Resources: Check out my Jewish Resource
page for ordering of catalogs or online shopping with Passover items and craft kits. For
example: The Just for the Mitzvah catalog online store Shrinky
Dink CompanyZum Gali Gali Rubber Stamp Company Jewish
Not Crafty? In a Hurry?
Many of the online stores sell premade items for
Passover too.
 Passover Must Have Recipes.Eileen's recipes have moved to their own printer friendly
pages. Eileen's Family's Favorite Passover recipes pages.
Passover Brownies
Bulkie Rolls Passover Rolls(sandwitch or hot dog rolls) Matzah
Almond BarkMartha's & Tzvi's Passover GranolaAuntie's
Mandlebrot recipes Fried Matzie (Fried
Matzah/Matzah Bria) The brownies and rolls were my mother's
recipes. I don't know where she got
them. She used them for years. Everyone loves them and always wants the recipe.
If you tell me they are from some book or someone else, I will believe you and
give them credit. My mother never used recipes other than for Passover
and Purim.
Everything else was trial and error. Hope you enjoy.
Need more recipes?'s huge
recipe file
Shalom's Traditional Passover Seder Recipes. Large collection of
traditional "basic" recipes for the seder! Plus many non traditional ones too! Check out
Granola and their
Carmel Crunch Both came highly recommened. I tried both this year. The
granola was a hit with my husband. The matzah crunch was a hit too but one
son still liked the one from FamilyFun better. So next year I will have to make
Star's Passover
Recipes. They have a great collection of recipes including Passover ones
from famous chefs and many from users of the site.
Spike & Jamie
Passover Recipes.
This site is being
redesigned. I am posting the matzah almond bark recipe on my recipe print
out page until it comes back
Matzo-Almond Bark Recipe My families personal FAVORITE!An easy recipe for
covering matzah with chocolate and nuts. You can skip the nuts if you have an
allergic. I have even made it parave and it still tastes great! It can stay in
the fridge for many days but that is if you can resist it that long!
Recipes(chocolate company of course!) Has Passover
recipes. 9+ recipes for Tortes, Cakes and Macaroons just use search
feature and type in Passover.'s Passover RecipesCheck out their
video lessons
you can watch online or buy for making matzah and
Shalom Y'ALL!