Bagel Pictures coming Chicken Soup Pins #1GPFishSoup Pin
Golden pewter lace pin Golden
pewter gefilte fish and soup $18.00 plus shippingSame also available in
Pewter #2PFishSoup Pin
Pewter lace pin 2 gefilte fish and chicken soup
Wired glass beads $22.00 plus shipping Wired Glass Beads
#3GPFishSoup Pin
Golden pewter Lace
pin and charms small teal & amber plus large opaque lime wired glass beads
$23.00 plus shipping #1 Golden Pewter with wire glass
beads Sabbath/Fish Pin
Golden pewter bar
pin Golden pewter 5 charms Gefilte fish, challah board, kosher wine,
candles and kiddush cup wired oval glass beads Special $30.00 plus
shipping Wired glass bracelets
#1GPWire Soup Bracelet Assorted sizes and colors of opaque and clear glass
wired beads golden pewter chicken soup and mini drop star lobster claw
clasp Special $22.00 plus shipping
#2PWire Soup Bracelet Assorted sizes, shapes and colors of clear glass
wired beads pewter chicken soup and mini drop star lobster claw
clasp Special $22.00 plus shipping
#3PWire Fish/Soup Bracelet Assorted sizes, shapes and colors of clear
and opaque glass
wired beads pewter 2 gefilte fish, chicken soup and mini drop star
lobster claw
clasp Special $26.00 plus shipping
All Jewelry can be custom designed in your choice of
beads and charms. Deluxe wine charm sets On sale See Jewish Wine Charm Page for more information SHABBAT Shabbat #1 Can be ordered with gefilte fish and
chicken soup charms.
Cell phone lanyards
#1OrangeGlow Pewter
Chicken Soup
Cellphone Lanyard#2YellowGlow Golden Pewter Chicken #3Pink Golden Pewter
Chicken Soup #1 Pewter Chicken Soup Cell $4.50 each with out
bead $6.00 each plus shipping with one glow in the dark glass beads
(close to actual size) Available in
golden pewter and pewter Bagel Jewelry Pictures coming soon or just custom
order some with Eileen Charms Chicken Soup
Charms #1PWChicken Soup Ear
chicken soup clear glass wired beads Special $12.00 pair plus
shipping #2GPWChicken Soup Ear
Golden Pewter
chicken soup Brown glass wired beads Special $12.00 pair plus
shipping #3GPJDoubleWire Fish Soup Ear
golden pewter Double gefilte fish and
chicken soup gold wired glass beads $24.00 pair plus shipping
#4PJDoubleWire Fish Soup Ear
pewter Double gefilte fish and
chicken soup wired glass beads in green, opaque green and yellow $24.00 pair plus shipping #5PJDouble Fish Soup EAR
Pewter ornate drop double pewter gefilte fish
and chicken soup Special $22.00 pair plus shippingIn stock: same with
clip earrings
#1GP Gefilte Fish & #2P
Fish Pierced or clip style Beads available in choice of pink, purple,
turqouise, lime green, orange & red. (or mix them!) Golden pewter or Pewter
Charm $12.00 pair plus shipping. #12PJ Wire Ear Gefilte
Pewter Gefilte fish White
round opaque white wired glass beads $12.00 pair plus shipping Chicken Soup Book Mark
pewter chicken soup charm #1Soup Book Mark $6.00 each plus
shipping Also available with golden pewter charm on gold plate bookmark. #9JP Hook
Pewter gefilte
fish $4.50 each plus shipping
#1PFoodbracelet But can be custom ordered. Link bracelet with pewter grape vine toggle clasp Peter bagel,
food basket, chicken soup tureen, gefilte fish and bead caps. Assorted glass
beads with silver lines. Your choice of bead colors Special $24.00 plus
shipping. #2GPFoodbracelet Same bracelet in golden pewter
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