What's New 2012
Meet Eileen and Family
Pictures of upcoming
Bead Projects:
Beadie Animals Basic Directions, Patterns &
EILEEN's Original:
Beadie Patterns Furbies, Pokemon and more!
EILEEN's Original Beaded Crowns
EILEEN's Original
Day & Night Beaded: BraceletsBeaded Keychains
Basic Lessons for:
Braiding: Thread, Hemp,Gymp, Lanyard
Candle and Soap Projects:
Candle & Soap Making
Basic LessonsBeeswax Candles,Sheet
Beeswax Candles, Parafin Sheet Candles,Gel Wax Candles, Magic Crystal Wax
Candles, Soap
Making Layered Cookie Cutter Bees Wax Candles and More!
EILEEN's Original:
Kwanza Candles Kwanza
Charity: Crafts, Projects and StoresCrafts for
charity projects and stores that donate a large portion of their
profits.Prayer Shawl Ministries, Knit One Save One, Chemo caps,
Scarves for Special Olympics and more!
Clay Projects:
Home Made Clay and Polymer Clay Basics.
Projects and Lessons: Canes, Marbeling,Clay
Beads, Molds and MORE! Where to buy Clay and clay books.

Silver Clay, Art Clay, PMC and
EILEEN's Original Clay Projects:
Clay Rubber Stamp Projects. Bible Crafts -
Noah's Ark Pins, Adult & Senior Pins and more!
Clay Covered Light Switches. Glow in the Dark and Native American Designs.
Clay Covered Yogurt Bottles.
Clay Face Pins.
Clay Finger Puppets.
Clay on Baby Food Jar Projects. Halloween Candy Jar
Clay On Glass Projects. New Pictures!
Clay On Paper Mache Projects.
Clay On Paper Mache Projects page 2 TOOTH
Clay On Wood and Metal Projects.
Memory Book with Clay Cover. Preschool
to adult craft.
Clay Pencil Erasers. Preschool
to Teen craft.
EILEEN's Original Clay for Senior Citizens
For therapy
and fun. Senior Clay Projects:
Clay on Pens Clay on Yogurt BottlesRubber Stamping
and Antiquing Pins
Craft Projects:
Craft Basics
100s of Lessons and Links. Including: General Crafts,
Recipes,Paper Crafts, Origami, Scouts, Jewelry, Wire, Bead
Crafts and Recycle Projects
EILEEN's Original:
Camp Crafts Pictures
& Instructions. Sand Art, Magic Dip Paint, Copper Crafts,
plaster and more! Homemade Salt Clay and Polymer Clay: Covered Pens, Cookie Cutter Forms,
Photo Transfers on clay, play breads and of course more!
EILEEN's Original Recycle Crafts:
Baby Food Jar
See Press Release
Yogurt Bottles.
Needle Crafts:
Needlecrafts: Crocheting, Knitting, Sewing, Needlepoint etc. *Sewing Fabric Bowls and
Boxes. *Fabric Origami and Japanese
Fabric Gifts - Omiyage
*Yarn Sources *No Sew Projects *Jelly Yarns *Juice Box Purses and Other Crafts
*Knitting Machines
Eyelash Yarn & Fun Fur Projects
info and links for Fun
Scarves, Eyelash threads and "fun fur" patterns. Including Hawaiian Leis!
How to trim with fun fur.
*HAWAIIAN Leis (crocheting, ribbons
and more) *Knitting purses *Knitting for the plus size
woman *Jewish crocheting *Knitting Shawls, ponchos etc *Unusual
knitting and crocheting and more
Resources and Crafts
Charity Projects,Crafts and
Stores that Give to CharityCharity
crafts, projects and stores.
Special Event Crafts:
EILEEN's Original Embossing with Rubber Stamps and more
Embossing Lessons.
 Embossing links and supplies. Including UTEE
projects.Make your own formal
Invitations, Place Cards, Holiday Cards, Gift Tags and more!
Clay vases, Blo Pen Cloths and more!
Make Your Own Special Event Center Pieces
Treasure Hunting Crafts:
Treasure Hunting
Crafts.Geocaching, letterboxing, treasure hunting, using a GPS,
making your own treasure box, carving your own rubber stamp and more!
Parent, Teacher, Home Schooling
Supply Sources.
Candy/craft molds including
Bible/Christian Holidays and more.
Books on Crafts, needlecrafts, felting, Beadies and more!
Anime, Pokemon, Digimon, Dragon Ball Z,Sudoku, Origami,
Kirigami, Omiyage, Japanese Lessons and moreAmigururi
Games, Homework Help, Paper
Projects, Origami, Electonic Post Cards, Lego, Knex, Yo Yo's, Harry
Potter, Science Experiments and More!
Jewish Fun Sites:
Games, Hebrew, Yiddish, Holiday Fun,
Virtual Post Cards, Stories, Homework Help, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Help and More.
Jewish Videos and
Jewish Fun Videos Serious, fun, educational Jewish videos and links to
Jewish video
EILEEN's Original:
JEWISH BEADIES Jewish Holidays,
Havdallah, Bible symbols, Chanukah, Simcha Torah Beadie,
Purim Beadie & Passover Beadies.
EILEEN's Original Yom Hatzmaut:
BraceletsBeaded Keychains
JEWISH BRAIDING/KNOTS: Eileen's Original Projects
Tallit StringsMake
your own Tallit or Tallis
EILEEN's Jewish Candles:
Havdallah Candles Chanukah CandlesShabbat Candles
EILEEN's Jewish Clay Projects:
Clay Mezzuzah Charms Clay
Hebrew Name Necklaces.
Clay Mezzuzahs New Pictures of Sculpey Terra
Cotta Mezuzahs
Clay Dreidels & Dreidel Charms
Clay Havdallah Glass Spice Jars
Jewish Baby Jar Crafts
Clay On Paper Mache Havdallah Spice
Clay On Glass Havdallah Spice Box.
Clay on Glass Star Candles.
Clay On Wood - Yad Hand shapped pointer used when reading Torah.
Jewish Rubber Stamp On Clay Projects. Bible Crafts - Noah's Ark
Pins, Mizrach
Plaque. Jewish Pins - Adults and Seniors and more!
Jewish Rubber Stamp On Clay Projects.
Make your own Clay and Beaded Tallit
Jewish Craft Basics: Holidays,
Jewish Symbols, Ritual Projects and MORE!
Jewish Holiday Crafts
new Rubber Stamps on Clay Pins and my Jewish resource pages for more
information and craft links.
EILEEN's Original Purim Crafts:
Purim Beaded King, Queen
Crowns and Purim BeadiesLessons & Links Purim Clay YadsPurim Recipes.
EILEEN's Original:
Sukkah/Sukkot Crafts.
Build An Edible Sukkah.
Pages.Recipes, Crafts, Beadies, Links,
Games, LessonsEileen's Family and
Friend's Passover Recipes
Chanukah EILEEN's
Chanukah crafts and links.
NEEDLECRAFTS Jewish Needlecrafts Yarmulkah patterns,Sewing,
needlepoint, knitting,
crocheting and more
Eileen's Jewish Centerpieces. Clay Covered Bud Vases, Challah Covers and more!
Make your own formal Bar or
Bat Mitzvah
Invitations, Place Cards, Holiday Cards, Gift Tags and more!
Embossing with Jewish Rubber Stamps and more
Jewish Resources and Crafts
"Raspberry Hamenstashen's" Israeli Flag
Swap Pin
Charity/Tzedakah Projects,Crafts and
Stores that Give to CharityCharity
crafts, projects and stores.
Parents, Teachers, Camp
Counselors, Sunday School Teachers, Day School Teachers,
Early Childhood Teachers and More! Jewish
Resource PagesJewish Craft, School and
Holiday Supply Sources
Tzedakah Projects,Crafts and
Stores that Give TzedakahTzedakah:
crafts, projects and stores.
ARTISTS/CRAFTERSLisa Geller's Edibile SukkahRasberry Hamentashen's Isareli Flag Swap Pin
Arlene Bernhardt's Yarmulkah
with the BSA Boy Scouts of America designSharon Morrison
ritual items Beaded yad, Tzedakah box and oil lamp
Links to Businesses with crafts, music, educational or fun
Stores and Sites that you may find interesting:
S & S Worldwide Great for Arts & Crafts.
Great for preschools,
camps, sports programs, and elementary schools. Has Jewish crafts too. They also sell school
supplies, party and sports supplies. Sign up for their Fun & Learning Monthly
Newsletter Get great craft tips plus extra savings codes!
 Fabric.com Coupon Corner
 Genwax.com They carry many waxes including beeswax
Dick Blick Offers For Sale: Clay, Clay Tools Including Pasta Machines, Art
Supplies and Craft Supplies.
 Dick Blick Free 480-page Art Supply Catalog!
All Craft Projects Labeled: EILEEN's are my original crafts.
© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Eileen Chadis Wood
Charity (Tzedakah) Crafts and
Welcome to Chadis Crafts' Fun Pages' Charity Projects Pages.The purpose
of this page is to organize my craft links and crafts that would make great
Charity/Tzedakah projects for schools, scouts, Churches, Temples and more.
Also I will feature some sites that sell products that have Tzedakah as part
of their business plan. i.e. they donate in a planned way to charity
Charity Needlecraft Projects:
Bernat Cares.com Bernat yarn company's new newsletter and
site to bring people that want to volunteer with charities that need volunteers.
They even have free patterns for use in your charity projects. They include
knitting and crocheting patterns for baby projects, afgans and even some for
fundraising for charities. Afgans for Afgans Afgans for Afgans is looking for hats, gloves, socks, blankets
etc that are hand knit or crocheted in wool or wool blends that are mostly wool.
(warmth) They are getting ready a container to be shipped begining of March 2010
for NEXT winter. (Slow boat).
Caps: Baby, Chemo
and more
Caps for Warmth or Chemo
Bevs Country
Cottage Chemo cap patterns and suggestions. Incredible resource for caps
for chemo or for brain surgery.
Head Huggers Free Patterns Hats for adults and children
many can be used for Chemo Caps
Prayer Shawl Ministries
Shawl Ministries are all of the world. People knit shawls and give or donate to
friends or a charity. The idea behind it is to give something of theirselves
that are warm and comforting to people in need or sick. Their are free patterns
on the net or you can buy books.
Shawlministry.com The main site for the prayer
shawl ministry. Has prayers and patterns.
Free pattern for Prayer Shawl from Lion Brand Yarns
Army Staff Sargent Lani Yearicks Crocheting Shawls while
in Iraq
Pineislandpresbyterian.org's Free Patterns and links
to more free patterns on the web. Prayer for mediating for
Waiting groom ministry's Shawl knitting directions and Crocheting directions. They also have
prayers for
Crochet a Scarf for the Special
Olympians. Although this was for 2009 Special Olympics Winter Game. Watch to
see if you can still participate this year. Any
pattern but you have to use Coats and Clarks Red Heart Super Saver Yarn (Coats
and Clark are the sponsors) in both
delft blue and white, the official colors of the games.
Educational Games that Donate to Charity
Free Rice.com Build vocabulary and they will
donate rice to the needy all over the world. If you choose the option for the
game to remember your score, it will. Lots of levels for all ages. Great even
for SAT/ACT prep! OLPC Laptop.org. There
buy one give one program just ended but there are lots of ways to give laptops
to schools and needly people all over the world.
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